#devops #itil #OperationalExcellence #christmas #hardfreeze #lifeinit #protip
I would like to see UW Bothell on Mastodon somewhere so they could post things like, "Hey, we are upgrading the software that controls the doors today and it went a little sideways (as it does) so if you're having problems with an entrance that is why." 🙃🤔😵
#ServiceRestored #ItWasABitWonkyThereBriefly
#LifeInIT #HaveYouTriedRebootingTheComputer
#haveyoutriedrebootingthecomputer #lifeinit #itwasabitwonkytherebriefly #servicerestored
Woke up this morning and turned on my computer "SMART FAILURE ON SATA 2 - FAILURE EMINENT." I am backing up my drive now. Just a few things I need since I backed up the week before. I am needing a new drive. Just a SATA hard drive since I store all my data on that one versus the SSD where programs go. Need some ideas for a good price, performance and reliability. Anyone have opinions and ideas? #HDDFailure #LifeInIT
Woke up this morning and turned on my computer "SMART FAILURE ON SATA 2 - FAILURE IMMENENT." I am backing up my drive now. Just a few things I need since I backed up the week before. I am needing a new drive. Just a SATA hard drive since I store all my data on that one versus the SSD where programs go. Need some ideas for a good price, performance and reliability. Anyone have opinions and ideas? #HDDFailure #LifeInIT