Adrian Lauchengrund · @prtn
18 followers · 8 posts · Server

»Still in living in Ruins (Living in ruins II)« (September 2023)

(This should have been posted already in January, but due to Covid and the Post-Covid condition in which I find myself in from January on until now and other things, I had no capacity to write it, even if the linocut existed already since December 2022.)

When will the picture be drawn so that everyone could see it? There are so much more ruins now in the world than two years ago and so many more people got killed because of violent ideologies and died because of the capitalist normal condition. Then the world is ever more in upheaval, turmoil and disruption. Where do we go from here? Which we? We are drowning and we are burning. Which we? We are on our own. Which we? We as a class of the exploited. Is it possible to collect the fragments, the wreckage, the pieces and the splinters to put it in such a constellation that the catastrophe will be recognizable a well as its solution? Ruins, future ruins, wreckage upon wreckage. No place, nowhere. There is one objective reality, one material earth, an all encompassing nature, one history, that the world has gone through, though experienced in a myriad different ways, but can there be one reason that is able to grasp all of this? Is there really a quiet voice of the intellect, that does not rest until it has made itself heard? It seems increasingly harder to believe that there is one. The catastrophe has happened, is still happening and will happen unless there will be a real movement towards a new condition. This real movement can only consist in self-organization and self-determination of the conditions of production and of the necessary exchange with the nature. It can only be the common production of the form of mediation itself by the associated individuals. So, when do we associate as individuals? It’s pretty much necessary, really.

#lifeinruins #permanentcatastrophe #fragmentation #realmovement #art #linocut #printmaking #artwork

Last updated 1 year ago