David Todd McCarty · @Davidtoddmccarty
2850 followers · 2705 posts · Server newsie.social

I regularly see-saw back and forth between reminding people that “the world is a magical and lovely place where time is limited and life is precious,” and the fact that “nearly everyone on this shit hole rock is either stupid or crazy and there’s no way we’re making it out of here alive.”

The trick is find a spot in the middle and try not to slide too far either way. I find that spot maybe 10% of the time.


Last updated 2 years ago

{-=detro=-} · @detro
39 followers · 7 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Having a great night of insomnia. Considering either playing the new wow expac or studying for some certs and playing with brute ratel. Tired as fuck but someone has piqued my interest and my mind is racing.

#fuckery #lifeiscrazy #infosex

Last updated 2 years ago