random #wisdom :
"One can also seek his luck."
(meaning: don't put up with your current relationship / situation / job /country-of-living / etc. but search for something else and change; #LifeIsTooShort to suffer or to be not happy ; example: I didn't want to put up with macOS, even with Apple Silicon chip, so I switched to Windows 11 and I'm happy now: Surface Pro as mobile and AMD mini PC as desktop )
It's January 5 and this retired guy is already organizing things for 2023 #taxes.
I'm not choosing to be unproductive today, I'm choosing to be counter-productive.
Seems like I’ll be posting from a web browser from here on out. Mastodon app has been crashing on me past 100 characters. Despite cache clears, updates, deleting and redownloading the app, still no luck.
I’m also 43 years old, and I’m just over finding “bug fixes” or troubleshooting and wasting time trying to fix things on my phone I.E. social media apps.
#mastodon #socialmedia #lifeistooshort
Was hier, wie drüben bei Elons Ausverkauf, gleicht ist, sind die Leute, die immer wieder über negative Dinge schreiben. Oder sie regen sich über Aussagen anderer Personen auf etc pp.
Wie auch immer... es würde allen gut tun, auch mal wieder mehr das Positive in den Fokus zu nehmen. Sucht den Spaß oder das was euch Freude macht. Lasst den Stress und Ärger doch einfach mal, gerne auch auf Dauer, links liegen.
#lifeistooshort #weisheitamsonntag
#lifeistooshort #weisheitamsonntag