ahimsa · @ahimsa_pdx
910 followers · 9541 posts · Server disabled.social

@RickiTarr Rather than trying to share personal beliefs (cognitive issues make it hard for me to summarize) I'll share a recent NPR podcast:

"When is it OK to lie?"
(transcript included)


One interesting point -- brain-imaging technology showed that people get desensitized to dishonesty when they lie more often.

#npr #lifekit #podcast #lying

Last updated 1 year ago

ThatAuntie · @ThatAuntie
95 followers · 146 posts · Server blacktwitter.io

I needed to leave home earlier this morning, but couldn't find my keys.😳 I tore up the house and eventually spotted a random grocery bag and picked it up. It had my keys!!! I thanked my 🕯 for always whispering when I need them. I hail from Sanctified people who thanked the Holy Spirit for everything, so now I wonder how they feel about my shift.

Just some thoughts as I listen to on .


I feel like the are doing a thing. I hope so.

#ancestors #npr #lifekit #Egun

Last updated 2 years ago

Brian E. Young (he/him) 🌈 · @sketchee
191 followers · 691 posts · Server socel.net

Getting ready for travel with this : Make holiday travel less stressful

There will probably be long lines, delays and overbooked flights, says aviation journalist Benét Wilson. So take steps to prepare for these situations and make the journey a little more pleasant.


#podcast #npr #lifekit

Last updated 2 years ago