Our family #LifelineBookfair haul. Tried not to go too over the top, but I think the bookshelves will be under some pressure... #Canberra #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #Canberra #lifelinebookfair
#FinishedReading my 10yo son loved his Artemis Fowl books, so I thought I'd give #EionColfer 's adult fiction a try. This is a silly fun action adventure with crooked cops fighting a dragon in a Louisiana swamp; it's fine for what it is but nothing memorable. Bought from the #Canberra #LifelineBookfair . #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #lifelinebookfair #Canberra #eioncolfer #finishedreading
#FinishedReading a book on the mathematical career of #LewisCarroll (Charles Dodgson), bought from the #Canberra #LifelineBookfair. Unfortunately the book is pretty low effort, mostly paraphrases and direct quotation of Dodgson rather than analysis and context. For example we are told that Bertrand Russell believed that his dialogue between Achilles and the Tortoise was historically important, but not what the impact actually was. #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #lifelinebookfair #Canberra #lewiscarroll #finishedreading
#FinishedReading Escape from Kathmandu by #KimStanleyRobinson. Bought from the #Canberra #LifelineBookfair . It was only after getting it home I saw it was signed! The KSR I've read before now was serious minded (but entertaining) sci fi about people struggling against environmental and societal catastrophe; this quartet of linked novellas is quite different, more of a farce. The first story, about a #yeti rescue, is great; the rest a bit uneven though. #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #Yeti #lifelinebookfair #Canberra #kimstanleyrobinson #finishedreading
#FinishedReading Escape from Kathmandu by #KimStanleyRobinson. Bought from the #Canberra #LifelineBookfair . It was only after getting it home I saw it was signed! The KSR I've read before now was serious minded (but entertaining) sci fi about people struggling against environmental and societal catastrophe; this quartet of linked novellas is quite different, more of a farce. The first story, about a #yeti rescue, is great; the rest a bit uneven though.
#Yeti #lifelinebookfair #Canberra #kimstanleyrobinson #finishedreading
#AmReading Robert Putnam’s “Bowling Alone” (20th anniversary edition, 2000/2020) picked up from #LifelineBookfair.
I was... somewhat restrained? My haul from the #Canberra #LifelineBookfair #SecondHandBooks #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #secondhandbooks #lifelinebookfair #Canberra
My haul from #LifelineBookfair #canberra #books #secondhand
#lifelinebookfair #canberra #books #secondhand
#Canberra #LifelineBookfair at EPIC starts tomorrow Friday 10 Feb at 9am and continues over the weekend. #CanberraWhatsOn
Details: https://www.lifelinecanberra.org.au/books/bookfair/
#canberra #lifelinebookfair #canberrawhatson
#Canberra #LifelineBookfair at EPIC starts this Friday 10 Feb at 9am and continues over the weekend. (I’ll be there.)
Details: https://www.lifelinecanberra.org.au/books/bookfair/
#Bookstodon #FinishedReading 'Beyond Infinity' by Eugenia Chang, picked up cheap (sans dustjacket) at the #Canberra #LifelineBookfair . Not a huge amount new here for me in this exploration of #infinity in mathematics, but always nice to see a nice popular treatment of a topic you know and love, and might even teach one day; I was tickled to see ∞-categories made the cut. I could imagine putting this into the hands of a smart teenager to inspire them about mathematics. One sour note... 1/2
#infinity #lifelinebookfair #Canberra #finishedreading #bookstodon
#FinishedReading this massive anthology of #SciFi #ShortStories from 2008, picked up cheap at the iconic #Canberra #LifelineBookfair. Some bangers in here from Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette, Nancy Kress, James Alan Gardner, Gord Sellar, and Ian McDonald, but my favourite was 'Crystal Nights' by @gregeganSF , a story of a tech bro billionaire losing control over his technology that has dated extremely well.
#lifelinebookfair #Canberra #shortstories #scifi #finishedreading