So, yeah, I wanted to like this book (Especially because I REALLY liked the first one.) and I like parts of it, but I really had to slug through many sections of it and, except here and there, it lacked the vibrant, catchy, gripping quality I enjoyed in #ChameleonMoon.
Still, I look forward to any future book and the short-story collection I've already purchased. :)
#lifelinesignal #chameleonmoon
Soooo, I finished "The Lifeline Signal", book 2 of the #ChameleonMoon series and I'm conflicted.
There's a whole lot I love about the book:
The characters, both old, new and new-ish are colorful and interesting and queer and hurt and healing and I like most of them a lot.
The world building is interesting and largescale and hints at huge changes and I'm looking forward to know more!
#lifelinesignal #chameleonmoon