grading papers and it is not going well - too much junk and not enough following of instructions or reading the question fully #annoying #lifeofaprof
I have a student who has done zero work in class for 3 weeks claiming they could not access their school accounts... not sure I believe them and not sure what to do... Ugh #lifeofaprof
grading grading grading... woo hoo let the fun begin - the papers are not too bad so far #lifeofaprof
three classes of papers to grade this weekend so i can post midterm grades by Monday yipee... #lifeofaprof
paper grading morning going well so far but for all the papers i have graded so far students sent a rough draft so i expect them to be good papers... the garbage is coming and i am not looking forward to it #lifeofaprof
monday = work day... yipee but only 3 more weeks in the semester which means 3 weeks of papers to grade i should probably get to work #lifeofaprof