It is really helpful for our reading if we have a general idea of where the places are when they are mentioned. Remember, the events in the suttas took place in real places that we can even visit today.

This page gives you some PDFs of a simple map that you can print out and use as a bookmark in whatever sutta book you are reading. Then you can check it as you read.

#sutta #lifeofthebuddha #jambudipa #buddhism #buddhistpilgrimage #dhamma #dharma

Last updated 2 years ago

The second book about the life of the Buddha is by Ajahn Thanissaro, *Noble Warrior : A Life of the Buddha Compiled from the Pāli Canon.* It's available as a free , , and PDF book. You can also request a free print copy from his monastery.

Again, these books draw material from the and a bit from the , not from the commentaries or other legends.

#epub #kindle #suttas #vinaya #lifeofthebuddha #earlybuddhisttexts #theravada #PaliCanon #buddhism #buddha #buddhist

Last updated 2 years ago