At #LifePerceives, perceiving Mark Baldwin and Nicky Clayton on doing magic tricks to annoy and delight jays (and reveal something about their cognitive heuristics), on time travel via music you haven't heard since you were a child, on humans dancing like quarks and gluons, and Alex Jordan on liminal liminology and the evolution of behaviour
📢 Life Perceives Symposium
🌳 Join us in exploring perceptions across a diversity of #non-human #life; animals, plants, fungi and cellular communities, with an amazing line-up of scientists and artists.
📆 January 20th, 2023 in Brighton
👉 Information and registration at
#lifeperceives #lifescience #neuroscience #artscience #interdisciplinary #intelligence #perception #consciousness #leverhulme #sussex #umwelt @anilkseth @roaldarboel
#non #life #lifeperceives #lifescience #neuroscience #artscience #interdisciplinary #intelligence #perception #consciousness #leverhulme #sussex #umwelt
📢 Life Perceives Symposium
🌳 Join us in exploring perceptions across a diversity of #non-human #life; animals, plants, fungi and cellular communities, with an amazing line-up of scientists and artists.
📆 January 20th, 2023 in Brighton
👉 Information and registration at
#lifeperceives #lifescience #neuroscience #artscience #interdisciplinary #intelligence #perception #consciousness #leverhulme #sussex #umwelt @anilkseth @roaldarboel
#non #life #lifeperceives #lifescience #neuroscience #artscience #interdisciplinary #intelligence #perception #consciousness #leverhulme #sussex #umwelt