#LifeRaft #IceCream Products Have Listeria Contamination: Life Raft Treats Not Fried Chicken ice cream bucket, Not Fried Chicken ice cream bar, and Life Is Peachy ice cream products, all with BEST BY DATES up to 8212024 are contaminated with #Listeria monocytogenes. #recall
#liferaft #icecream #listeria #recall
Rathlin Island's Project to eradicate rats and ferrets - a fantastic piece on the Life Raft project from Channel 4 news
#liferaft #islandecology #rathlin
Today's lunch snack: Expired survival rations.
Always wanted to try. Not nearly as bad as I thought, can imagine snacking these after dinner, but of course they _are_ breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Basically industrially produced pemmican. Everything the body needs, highly compressed.
Makes you thirsty, better grab some extra water when jumping into the #Liferaft.
As with all preserved, sealed foods, expiration date is irrelevant.
#emergencyration #survival #cruisinglife #liferaft
Started to explore Mastodon since the news about Twitter being unstable atm may eventually force us to look for an emergency exit. Change isn't always easy but like what the pandemic has taught us, sometimes, change is a mus(t/k).
RT @trendless@twitter.com
Brace for impact
#PFD #LifeRaft #SearchAndRescue
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/trendless/status/1590075619827937281
#searchandrescue #liferaft #pfd