👀 How do we study #cancer? You're watching the cryosectioning of a liver biopsy containing metastatic colon tumor. The staining allows for the visualization of cellular abnormalities & tissue architecture > https://www.instagram.com/p/CxCtG4-Mpg4/
Thanks to Ilaria Mulas from our Computational Biology Research Centre!
#science #sciencemastodon #biology #lifesciences #humantechnopole
#cancer #Science #sciencemastodon #biology #lifesciences #humantechnopole
Canadian Letter: SVA stock is undervalued, Research Capital says https://www.cantechletter.com/2023/09/sva-stock-is-undervalued-research-capital-says/ #canada #tech #Technology #LifeSciences #Allposts #Analysts #sva
#Canada #Tech #technology #lifesciences #Allposts #Analysts #sva
🤝 Welcome aboard!
🎉 We're thrilled to announce that Marino Zerial has officially taken the helm as the new Director of Human Technopole, leading the way in advancing #lifesciences research
#lifesciences #Science #sciencemastodon #humantechnopole
🔬 How to unveil a Chlamy organisation without expensive instruments and specific training?
Our Pigino Group with the University of Geneva, developed an ExM-based protocol to visualise the 3D ultrastructural organisation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by using conventional optical light microscopes.
✌️ Published in Bio-protocol and available now to the research community.
#lifesciences #humantechnopole #microscopy #science #sciencemastodon
#lifesciences #humantechnopole #microscopy #Science #sciencemastodon
Canadian Letter: TLT stock has an upside of 256%, Research Capital says https://www.cantechletter.com/2023/09/tlt-stock-has-an-upside-of-256-research-capital-says/ #canada #tech #Technology #LifeSciences #Allposts #Analysts #tlt
#Canada #Tech #technology #lifesciences #Allposts #Analysts #tlt
📊 New to the world of #statistics?
Watch the interview with Michela Carlotta Massi, postdoc at our Health #DataScience Centre, who shares her journey in crafting new statistical approaches for precision #medicine
#science #sciencemastodon #stem #womeninstem #humantechnopole #lifesciences
#statistics #datascience #medicine #Science #sciencemastodon #STEM #womeninSTEM #humantechnopole #lifesciences
"KI ist reduziert auf die Ebene der Kognition und wird ausgeführt in einer Maschine, die größtenteils separiert ist von der Umwelt (bis auf einen Stromanschluss). Natürliche Intelligenz ist hingegen eingebettet in größere und kleinere Systeme, die alle zielgerichtetes Verhalten zeigen."
— Aus dem Essay "Was #KI von den #LifeSciences lernen kann" von Carsten Ullrich: 👉 https://www.laborjournal.de/editorials/2823.php
Canadian Letter: Point Biopharma is still undervalued, Raymond James says https://www.cantechletter.com/2023/08/point-biopharma-is-still-undervalued-raymond-james-says/ #canada #tech #Technology #LifeSciences #Allposts #Analysts #pnt
#Canada #Tech #technology #lifesciences #Allposts #Analysts #pnt
Eine sehr alarmierende Entwicklung in der Wissenschaft zeigt der erste Beitrag der heutigen nano-Sendung auf 3sat. Es geht um unsere Glaubwürdigkeit als Wissenschaftler und am Ende kann es auch um Menschenleben gehen. 👉🏻 https://www.3sat.de/wissen/nano/230828-sendung-fake-news-in-der-wissenschaft-nano-100.html
#Wissenschaft #forschung #medizin #lifesciences #KI #IchbinHanna #nano
#wissenschaft #forschung #medizin #lifesciences #ki #IchbinHanna #nano
👨🔬 From ant genomics to human gene expression, explore the scientific journey of Rodrigo Pracana - Functional Genomics Computation Scientific Service Unit - and gather insights about HT research.
"I was warned from the start that science can be a rollercoaster of emotions, with the worst of disappointments and the best achievements happening on the same day. Don’t let it get to you and enjoy the ride!"
#science #sciencemastodon #lifesciences #humantechnopole #genomics
#Science #sciencemastodon #lifesciences #humantechnopole #genomics
📰 Why do transparency and efficiency matter in scientific research publishing? Maria Polychronidou from @MolSystBiol provides insights into the publishing values and processes of @EMBOPress
#science #sciencemastodon #biology #lifesciences #humantechnopole #research #publishing
#MeetTheSpeaker #Science #sciencemastodon #biology #lifesciences #humantechnopole #research #publishing
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: https://www.greataustralianpods.com/the-dispatched-podcast/
#GreatAusPods #AusPods #Podcast #Podcasts #Podcasting #Australia #Science #LifeSciences #Medicine #News
#greatauspods #auspods #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #australia #science #lifesciences #medicine #news
🧬 Ready to bring innovation to the scientific community? Join us!
📢 We're hiring heads, managers, specialists, technicians, and more in our National Facilities teams.
A few days to apply!
🔎 Data Handling & Analysis ➡️ https://careers.humantechnopole.it/o/head-of-facility-national-facility-for-data-handling-and-analysis
🔎 Genomics➡️ https://careers.humantechnopole.it/o/head-of-facility-national-facility-for-genomics
🔎 Light Imaging➡️ https://careers.humantechnopole.it/o/head-of-facility-national-facility-for-light-imaging
🔎 Genome Engineering ➡️ https://careers.humantechnopole.it/
🔎 CryoEM & Structural Biology ➡️ https://careers.humantechnopole.it/o/electron-microscopy-seniorjunior-em-specialists
#science #sciencemastodon #sciencejobs #lifesciences #humantechnopole
#Science #sciencemastodon #ScienceJobs #lifesciences #humantechnopole
In eigener Sache: Wir haben jetzt schon 200 Follower*innen hier auf Mastodon. Schön, dass Ihr da seid 🙏🙂 Wir freuen uns weiterhin auf den Austausch hier im #Fediverse.
By the way: We already have 200 followers here on Mastodon. Great to have you here 🙏🙂 We look forward to further conversations here on the Fediverse.
#archäologie #geschichte #Linguistik #Connectivity #archaeology #history #pastworlds #linguistics #lifesciences #geophysik #geophysics funded by @dfg_public
#geophysics #geophysik #lifesciences #linguistics #pastworlds #history #archaeology #connectivity #linguistik #geschichte #archaologie #fediverse
Canadian Letter: Antibe Therapeutics still has huge upside, Echelon says https://www.cantechletter.com/2023/08/antibe-therapeutics-still-has-huge-upside-echelon-says/ #canada #tech #Technology #LifeSciences #Allposts #Analysts #ate
#Canada #Tech #technology #lifesciences #Allposts #Analysts #ate
How can pharma commercial organisations achieve true customer-centricity?
It starts with creating the right foundations for omnichannel success.
Read more in my latest article for PME magazine.
#pharma #lifesciences #CX #customerexperience #customerexcellence #omnichannel
#omnichannel #customerexcellence #customerexperience #cx #lifesciences #pharma
Green light for UK facility that is due to be one of Europe’s largest life sciences campus
#research #medicines #lifesciences #pharma
Publikations- und Informationsmanager (m/w/d) (S-0007), unbefristet in Vollzeit, maximal Entgeltgruppe E12 TVÖD (Bund) Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie | Bewerbungsfrist: 31.08.2023 https://jobs.mpimet.mpg.de/jobposting/bb5c24646cabf948ebc7747f3f24ff01f312526f0 | https://jobs.openbiblio.eu/stellenangebote/92236/ #openbibliojobs #Informationstechnik #Diplom-Archivar #LifeSciences #Biologie #Chemiker #Physiker #ITler
#openbibliojobs #informationstechnik #diplom #lifesciences #biologie #chemiker #physiker #itler
In Denmark's Medicon Valley, pharmaceutical companies are thriving
The fast-growing industry, which employs over 50,000 people, has become a key sector in the Danish economy.
#Denmark #Pharmaceutical #Pharmaceuticals #Economy #LifeSciences
#lifesciences #Economy #pharmaceuticals #pharmaceutical #denmark
🎉 Congratulations to Tiffany Su from the @dammermannlab on successfully defending her thesis! She worked on elucidating the molecular analyses of C. elegans cilium assembly.
#phd #phdlife #lifesciences #molecularbiology #viennabiocenter @univienna
#phd #phdlife #lifesciences #molecularBiology #viennabiocenter