Bloke finally finds a use for a nut and bolt from his collection
His collection of odd nuts, bolts and washers goes back at least 60 years. Today Craig found a use for a nut and bolt to fix the handle on his lawnmower.
#News #satire #diy #mancave #lifestyle
#LifeStuff #nutsandbolts
Some of his collection may well have belonged to his dad.
#News #satire #diy #mancave #lifestyle #lifestuff #nutsandbolts
today's plan so far:
✓ breakfast/get dressed/etc
✓ litter box
- take out recycling
✓ clear off my desk before therapy
- therapy
✓ #HebrewStudy
- maybe take a nap
- pick up the living room
and therapy is about to start in a few minutes. after that, we'll see how I feel ...
good morning, friends ... I woke up before my alarm went off??? bodies are confusing
anyway, here's the plan for today:
- breakfast/get dressed/etc
- litter box
- take out recycling
- clear off my desk before therapy
- therapy
- #HebrewStudy
- maybe take a nap
- pick up the living room
I doubt I'll get all of it done today, but so long as I make a start (and definitely get the litter box done today), I'll be happy
I've been getting up weirdly early the past few days, and then feeling desperately sleepy in the middle of the day ... I'm going to try to set my alarms a little later (which means feeding the cats later, so we're moving the times by 15 minutes increments), to see if that helps at all?
tomorrow I need to do some proper cleaning. litter box, recycling, actually put away stuff that's cluttering up my living room ... not exactly looking forward to it, but it needs doing ...
morning, all 💜 (yes I'm going to open all my mundane life posts with "good morning", no matter what time it is)
I have work soon, but I've done a lot today ... I paid my rent, mailed a package, dogsat Marco, and worked on a crochet project (a mesh tank)
it's the day I normally do the weekly team meetings, but I didn't go today. I'll just watch the recording later, and I'll be able to talk to my supervisor about it today
morning, friends. today I'm dogsitting Marco, T's new dog, while he's doing finals
hell be back in about an hour ... I may nap on the couch with her, bc I'm sleepy
final update:
✓ breakfast
✓ Blanket Time™ with Midna
- #HebrewStudy
- take out recycling
- litter box
✓ go to bed before 5am
instead of doing the other things, I hung out with my friend T and his new dog, Marco! she's a rescue, and she's a little anxious and possibly came from an abusive situation, but she's very sweet and loves scritches
anyway, it's 12:30am, and I'm super tired. I'm going to bed in just a minute 😴😴😴
okay, plans for today:
✓ breakfast
✓ Blanket Time™ with Midna
- #HebrewStudy
- take out recycling
- litter box
- go to bed before 5am
my break just ended, but I initiated Blanket Time™ and I don't have it in me to kick her off immediately
for those who don't know, Blanket Time™ is when I lay a fuzzy blanket on my chest, and my 3 year old black bobtail cat kneads my chest, licks the blanket till it's sopping wet and PURRS. it's a little gross, but very sweet 💜
#hebrewstudy #lifestuff #catsofmastodon
good morning, friends 💜 been a minute since I did a mundane life post ... I feel like my moods, energy level and spoons have been all over the place lately
I'm currently at work and I have not yet eaten breakfast.
I started writing this around 12:30pm, and then work got busy, and now it's 2:15pm and I'm on my break and eating cereal and Midna REALLY wants Blanket Time™
shabbat shalom!
currently hanging out with close friends for a stitch & bitch/artsy craftsy hangout
I've got a few projects that I'm going to work on:
- a vintage handkerchief that I bought recently that has some lacy crocheted edging that I want to replace
- a shirt that I'm going to add some decoration to
- my current knitting project
- a small writing project
I'm definitely going to work on the first two, and I'll post some photos
#knitting #crafting #100daysofwardrobe #lifestuff #shabbat
hi I'm depressed today. also, my phone keeps failing to send texts, which makes it difficult to reach out to people 🙃
morning all! I don't know how it got to be 2pm, but I'm sure it's fine 🙃
today's the sixth annual #PrideSeder hosted by a local group that I'm sort of associated with (this is my 2nd year on the Pride Seder committee*)
I've already eaten breakfast and taken my morning meds ... I'm planning on showering before the #Seder, and I need to look over the readings I volunteered to do
*I learned about it last year and I wanted to make sure the #Haggadah was as #GenderNeutral as possible
#prideseder #seder #haggadah #genderneutral #lifestuff
X just got here, and we're trying to find something to eat ... it feels like I haven't done much at all today, so here's my list, to remind me:
[✓] put on real clothes
[✓] second meal
[✓] clean litter box
[] fiddle with alarms
[~] make bed*
[✓] pick up living room
[✓] clear off personal desk
[] dishes
*Link peed on my pillow sometime between breakfast and putting on real clothes, so instead of just making my bed, my bedding is now in the wash
good morning, all, no, don't worry about the fact that it's after 4pm here in Utah, everything's fine I promise
just an extremely slow start to today, is all. so, my plans for today include:
[✓] breakfast
[] put on real clothes
[] second meal
[] clean litter box
[] fiddle with alarms
[] make bed
[] pick up living room
[] clear off personal desk
[] dishes
they will certainly not all get done, but they're roughly in order of importance/when I think I'll get to them
good morning, friends! today I was going to have in person therapy for the first time since before the pandemic, in order to also pick up a #Passover food box (my therapist works out of Jewish Family Services, which also runs a food pantry), but my therapist is sick today ...
on the plus side, my friend J offered to take me over to pick up the box, so I no longer have to worry about catching a bus, so now I'm having breakfast while Link tries desperately to get my attention
I worked steadily on that response text without imploding from either anger or anxiety, then stalled out on diplomatic wording. so I took out the recycling and started working on the living room. might be time for video games, honestly ... today's plans:
[✓] take out recycling
[~] pick up living room
[~] draft a response text to my dad's passive aggressive "apology" texts
[] video games
[] post a 100 Days Project update
[] date night with X 💜
hello all! I've been super distracted this morning ... today's plans:
[✓] breakfast
[] take out recycling
[] pick up living room
[] draft a response text to my dad's passive aggressive "apology" texts
[] video games
[] post a 100 Days Project update
[] date night with X 💜
I'll probably start with the response text and do everything else whenever I need a break from Emotions 🙃 my mood is currently kinda chill, more reflective than energized, but with an undercurrent of anxiety
okay, I probably won't get the recycling done tonight, but I'm going to use my break to put all the bags of recycling into my shopping handcart thingy, which should make it easy for me to take out tomorrow
- finish balling this yarn that I started last night
× take out recycling
✓ empty/refill litter box
✓ work tonight
I'm tired, but I think that's just a result of very emotional therapy ...
today so far:
✓ breakfast
✓ get dressed
✓ clear off my desk
✓ therapy, during which I rant about my dad
- finish balling this yarn that I started last night
- take out recycling
- empty/refill litter box
- work tonight
of course, I just piled the stuff that was on my personal desk onto my work desk, which means I'll have to reverse that before work tonight, but ...
my therapy appointment was very useful. and now lunch!
well today started with an extremely passive-aggressive sounding apology from my dad so we're off to a ... start
since I did order groceries yesterday, I have smoothie ingredients again 😍 so my plans for today are:
- breakfast
- get dressed
- clear off my desk
- therapy, during which I rant about my dad
- finish balling this yarn that I started last night
- take out recycling
- empty/refill litter box
- work tonight
that seems like a lot ... well, let's see how it goes!