Love to see this partnership between NYC & the American College of Lifestyle Medicine on the “six pillars of #lifestylemedicine — a healthful plant-predominant eating pattern, physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances, and positive social connections — also provides effective prevention for many common chronic conditions”.
@ajroach42 Getting blood out of people, medications into people, and talking with them about lifestyle changes to treat/manage chronic and acute diseases. #lifestylemedicine
It's a huge healthcare day in NYC. #lifestylemedicine #evidencebasedcare #medmastodon
#lifestylemedicine #evidencebasedcare #MedMastodon
A hello
#walking love ❤️ to set off with
#twohoundswalk my dogs 🐕🐕
#westhighlandway done 2022 ✅
#greatglenway plan 2023
#lego I facilitate groups through #LEGO #seriousplay as got fed up with post it note 📝 sessions (anyone else?)
#lifestylemedicine big into the 6 pillars
#lifestylemedicine #seriousplay #lego #GreatGlenWay #WestHighlandWay #twohoundswalk #walking