BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
64 followers · 389 posts · Server

Captured by vested interests? - Confronting state capture
“Collectively we are driving Earth and civilisation towards . Human activities have exceeded . We are changing the climate, losing , degrading land, contaminating freshwater, and damaging the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles upon which we all depend.”

But “decision-makers and influencers are captured by .”

“Confronting involves reversing several undemocratic practices. Of particular concern is the funding of political parties by corporate interests as well as the revolving-door jobs between government and .”
Working together for a stronger

#collapse #planetaryboundaries #biodiversity #vestedinterests #statecapture #corporateinterests #democracy #ecologicaleconomicstransition #systemicchange #lifesupportsystem #biosphere #environmentaldestruction #socialjustice #climate #rapidclimatemitigation #citizenaction

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
58 followers · 333 posts · Server