It is not โ ๏ธ with the killing of a ๐ป specimen that the problem is solved, but technical-scientific management ๐๏ธ is needed, as the #nationalpark of #abruzzo #lazio and #molise can well teach
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#savethebear #lifeursus #orso #bear #orsi #bears #trentino #abruzzo #sicurezza #security #mountains #montagne #hiking
#nationalpark #abruzzo #lazio #molise #savethebear #lifeursus #orso #bear #orsi #bears #trentino #sicurezza #security #mountains #montagne #hiking
Parola d'ordine: vendetta
Alcune considerazioni sull'aggressione mortale di un Umano da parte di un Orso in Trentino e sulla volontร di vendetta delle istituzioni.
#lifeursus #orsi #orsitrentino #animaliselvatici
#lifeursus #orsi #orsitrentino #animaliselvatici
In the aftermath of the horrible incident that occurred in the Italian province of #Trentino and led to the first fatal attack by a bear on a human in the Alps in decades I should probably think about updating the piece on bear-human cohabitation I wrote 6 years ago for @TheConversationUK: #envhist #conservation #bearAttack #LifeUrsus
#trentino #envhist #conservation #bearattack #lifeursus