I was up at 6 am yesterday and was in bed a bit after midnight. I wasn't able to get a #workout in. Today will be stacked with lifts.
#liftheavy #weightlifting
#weightlifting #liftheavy #workout
Finally got a #workout in this week. #Deadlifts and #PowerCleans were my favriot parts.
#gym #liftheavy #PowerCleans #Deadlifts #workout
When you have sit ups after Russian kettlebell swings and goblet squats in your super set... Chalk gets everywhere! Today was also deadlift day, I absolutely love #deadlift day!
#liftheavy #lifted #kettlebells #homegym #gym #workout #deadlift
Interval weight training was on the workout today.
Set 1 - 5 rounds
- 5 clean and jerk at 73% of 1RM
- 1 min max kettlebell head cutters (track reps)
- rest 1:15 between rounds
Set 2 - 3 rounds
- 20 devil's press
- 2 min run (track distance)
- rest 2:00 between rounds
Set 3 - 1 round
- 30 dumbbell burpees to upright row (track time)
Rest 5 minutes between sets. Use the same weight on head cutters, devil's press and DB burpees to upright row
#gym #liftheavy #crossfit #exercise #workout #iwt
My hands are a bit rough after hang cleans and deadlifts today.
I really need to get a power rack. My DIY squat rack is working, but an actual power rack is a MUST. #workout #weightlifting #liftheavy
#liftheavy #weightlifting #workout