31. Aug - 02. Sep:
Non-Stop Express aid transport by Sven and Mike from #LiftUkraine to Ternopil to support our projects.
Delivered were:
- food
- dentist equipment incl. a drilling unit, operation sets and accessories
- hygiene articles, Pampers,
- Toys
- clothing
- a drone
One family was taken to Bochum, one mother was transferred to her daughter who was already evacuated by us in January to Freiburg for family reunification.
#liftukraine #ukraine #supportUkraine #Ukraineaid #aid
Heute ist der 24. August: Der ukrainischen Unabhängigkeitstag! 🇺🇦 💓
Mehr über uns: liftukraine.org
#liftukraine #ukraine #supportukraine #ukraineaid #helpukraine #ukrainewar #charity #refugees #standwithukraine #solidarity
#liftukraine #ukraine #supportUkraine #Ukraineaid #HelpUkraine #UkraineWar #charity #refugees #StandWithUkraine #solidarity
🇩🇪 Nachricht von Sven: "Eine tolle Lift-Ukraine-Woche mit meinen Kolleginnen Bettina und Camila aus der Schweiz! 🇨🇭"
Vielen herzlichen Dank!
🇬🇧 Message from Sven: "A great Lift Ukraine week with my colleagues Bettina and Camila from Switzerland! 🇨🇭"
Thank you very much!
#liftukraine #ukraine #aid #supportUkraine
🇬🇧 A successful aid week ended with a classic "lift":
After 32 hours of driving, Yuri was taken to his wife Alla, who was evacuated in November as part of our program.
Toys and clothing left behind by the last evacuation were also brought to Anna's family.
#liftukraine #ukraine #aid #evacuation
🇩🇪 Unser Mike hat in der Schweiz 🇨🇭 Pflegebetten und Stühle gesammelt, die in die Ukraine geliefert werden sollen. Ein großes Dankeschön an die Genossenschaft Wohnen im Alter in Altstätten!
🇬🇧 Our good fellow Mike collected care beds and chairs in Switzerland 🇨🇭 that will be delivered to Ukraine. A huge thanks to Genossenschaft Wohnen im Alter in Altstaetten!
🇩🇪 Unsere liebe Maggie in Charkiw wurde wieder mit Lebensmitteln für sich und ihre Nachbarn versorgt.
🇬🇧 Our dear Maggie in Kharkiv was again provided with food for herself and her neighbors.
#liftukraine #ukraine #kharkiv #aid #dangerdourdashdelivery
July 2: Mike and Sven brought both families to their hosts - exhausted but happy.
Thanks to Karin, Katya and Rolf. Both families are already experienced hosts. Great people like you make our project possible.
#liftukraine #ukraine #refugees
Juni 25: Transport to Lancut 🇵🇱 depot by Mike: Children's clothing, a stroller, toys for the Phoenix Trauma Center in Kharkiv, and 122 camp beds
#ukraine #liftukraine #kharkiv
June 14-20: Lea and Lars, back in Kramatorsk region to assist in setting up a field outpatient clinic with food, medical supplies and generator.
#liftukraine #ukraine #Kramatorsk
🇩🇪 Bilder aus Cherson 10.-13. Juni
Lea und Lars verteilen Medikamente.
🇬🇧 Pictures from Kherson June 10-13
Lea and Lars distribute medicine.
🇩🇪 Unser unglaublicher, nie ruhender Sven hat nochmal einen Spendenaufruf für Lebensmittelrationen gestartet. Transportkosten sind gedeckt und er bringt die Lebensmittel persönlich in die Ukraine - unmittelbarer geht Hilfe nicht!
Wir freuen uns über jede kleine Spende und bitte teilt den Link fleißig an alle Freunde und Bekannte!
#liftukraine is still in contact with many of the refugees. But some have developed a very special relationship.
Yesterday we supported Katya and Nastya with a transfer to Cologne for their Ukrainian school-leaving exams. We keep our fingers crossed and are very proud of you!
Aus aktuellem Anlass auf 🇩🇪
(Sach-)Spendenaufruf für Cherson:
Unser Team baut gerade in Cherson ein Sanitätsstützpunkt mit Lager auf, welches wir ab dem nächsten Transport beliefern werden.
#liftukraine #ukraine #spenden #aid #cherson #ukraine #boost
#liftukraine #ukraine #spenden #aid #Cherson #boost
Aid transport has arrived at Ternopil. Camp beds, medical products, medicines, special dressing materials etc. have reached our warehouse and are being prepared for further transport to Kramatorsk.
The next transport is already scheduled for next week. Due to the current events in Kherson, the urgent need for food is being discussed.
#ukraine #supportUkraine #liftukraine
Next aid transport to Kramatorsk is being prepared!
Beside aid we'll deliver new mud tyres for frontline support (Lea and Lars from #dangerdoordashdelivery)
#dangerdoordashdelivery #ukraine #supportUkraine #liftukraine
On May 24th HIC e.V. https://www.humanitas-in-centro.de/ delivered groceries to families in Kharkiv on behalf of #liftukraine
@WildEnte @gaelle @auschwitzmuseum @BerlinerStolpersteine
🇬🇧 The war in Ukraine is a glaring example of this for me.
Fortunately, there is also the other side, such as #liftUKRAINE.
@WildEnte @gaelle @auschwitzmuseum @BerlinerStolpersteine
🇩🇪 Der Krieg in der Ukraine ist für mich ein eklatantes Beispiel dafür.
Glücklicherweise gibt es auch die andere Seite, wie z.B. #liftUKRAINE.
While our best fellow Sven is currently on the road again delivering goods to ukraine, back in February he was honored by the mayor of Ternopil for his work for the city, the hostel and all Ukrainians.
We are so happy and proud that you received this recognition!
#liftukraine #ukraine #refugees #Ternopil #honor #volunteer
🇬🇧 Anyone who wants to do something for Ukraine:
On the open source messenger 'Jabber/XMPP':
or also on the Open Source Messenger [Matrix]:
Just by joining these spaces.