I often use https://www.churchofengland.org/our-faith/light-candle, when I want to pray but do not have the words. #lightacandle
*Rekindling Hope* - Hope is a candle against the dark.
Second in my Encouragements series.
Fluid art. Digital art edited in GIMP. Using public-domain/royalty-free images.
Prints available here: https://kerravonsen.redbubble.com/works/141930358-Rekindling-Hope-Light-a-Candle?asc=u
#LightACandle #FluidArt #DigitalArt #AcrylicPourArt #GimpArt #AustralianArtist #Hope #ArtistsOfMastodon
#lightacandle #fluidart #digitalart #acrylicpourart #gimpart #australianartist #hope #artistsofmastodon
#lightacandle #wegotthis #bethelight #cocktails #MolotovCocktails #lightupthedarkness
#OnThisDayToday it is Worldwide Candle Lighting Day. A virtual 24-hour global candle lighting ceremony symbolizing compassionate support for each other by families grieving the loss of a child. Believed to be the world’s largest candle lighting ceremony, the day unites those who remember the children who have passed on.
#candlelight #children #remember #PassedAway #PassedOn #grief #emotions #loss #light #LightACandle
#onthisdaytoday #candlelight #children #remember #passedaway #passedon #grief #emotions #loss #light #lightacandle
Please take the time on International #Holodomor Remembrance Day to understand why it matters that we #ShareTheStory to #PreserveTheMemory.
A simple yet effective way to honour the memory of those killed by hunger is to join the #LightACandle campaign. Place a lit candle in your window as an expression of mourning for the dead, faith in the victory of #Ukraine and readiness to contribute efforts to prevent genocides from recurring.
Together #WeRememberUniteAndShallOvercome!
#holodomor #sharethestory #preservethememory #lightacandle #ukraine #werememberuniteandshallovercome
Please take the time on International #Holodomor Remembrance Day to understand why it matters that we #ShareTheStory to #PreserveTheMemory.
A simple yet effective way to honour the memory of those killed by hunger is to join the #LightACandle campaign. Place a lit candle in your window as an expression of mourning for the dead, faith in the victory of #Ukraine and readiness to contribute efforts to prevent genocides from recurring.
Together #WeRememberUniteAndShallOvercome!
#holodomor #sharethestory #preservethememory #lightacandle #ukraine #werememberuniteandshallovercome
#Today #TDoR #LightACandle #YouAreLoved #MakeLoveLOUDER
I hope the video works.... 🤞♥️
#today #tdor #lightacandle #youareloved #makelovelouder
Daily Dose of Anti-Corona Humor
#lightacandle #fightagainstthefallingofthenight #yearofthevarients #anticoronahumor