The media guy answered. He's going to make some calls tomorrow. I'm going to bed soon I'm actually getting lightheaded with the heart rate going up and feeling quite woozy and not good. #LongCovid #stressonlongcovid #stresscovid #heartproblems #eviction #transitionalhousing #TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ #lightheadedness #unwell #permanentlyunwell #Disabed #disability #pleasehelp
#mutualaid #covidsafe #covidsafehousing
If anyone is in a covid safe house in Wellington please contact me. Please boost, please share on other social media
You can also donate here, funds helps but also getting some kind of temporary covid safe accomodation is top priority, please help please help
#pleasehelp #help #MutualAid #covidsafe #covidsafehousing #LongCovid #stressonlongcovid #stresscovid #heartproblems #eviction #transitionalhousing #TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ #lightheadedness #unwell #permanentlyunwell #Disabed #disability
"Democratic Sen. John Fetterman, who suffered a stroke on campaign trail, hospitalized for lightheadedness."
#DemSenator #JohnFetterman #StatusUpdate #Hospitalized #Lightheadedness #Wooziness
#wooziness #lightheadedness #hospitalized #statusupdate #JohnFetterman #demsenator