We now have a statistics page for the #Nachtlichter project, updated every night: https://nachtlichter.geographie.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/dashboard/
In the last week, we classified over 7000 light sources 🎉
While that's great, we need to pick up the pace to reach our goal by the end of October. If you're into #CitizenScience and #LightPollution, check it out, and help contribute your own data: https://nachtlicht-buehne.de/nightlights
#lightpollution #citizenscience #Nachtlichter
On my way to #gfoe2023, my first IRL conference since Feb 2020
Hope to see many of you in Leipzig.
Btw my talk about our project on #insects and #lightpollution will be on Thursday late afternoon #staytuned
#gfoe2023 #insects #lightpollution #staytuned
Pequeno lembrete de que este programa sobre #poluiçãoluminosa continua disponível no RTP Play (link abaixo):
Biosfera - Poluição Luminosa | Ep. 15 - 15 abril 2023 | temporada 21 / Farol de Ideias
#lightpollution #pollutionlumineuse #contaminacionluminosa #contaminacionluminica
#poluicaoluminosa #lightpollution #pollutionlumineuse #contaminacionluminosa #contaminacionluminica
A glimpse of the Milky Way was possible last night at this location 3 km from the center of Bochum, Germany, a city with 360,000 inhabitants in Germany's industrial heartland.
As long as we have civilization, we're never going to eliminate #LightPollution entirely. But it's entirely reasonable to imagine a future in which effective lighting means that most people can see the Milky Way from a place near their home.
Unser #Nachtlichter-Projekt wurde gestern im #Tagesspiegel vorgestellt: https://www.tagesspiegel.de/wissen/citizen-science-kunstlicht-zahlen-und-der-wissenschaft-helfen-10431391.html
Nachdem du es gelesen hast, besuche unsere Projektwebsite, um mehr darüber zu erfahren, wie du teilnehmen kannst! https://nachtlicht-buehne.de/nachtlichter
#wissenschaftsjahr2023 #lightpollution #lichtverschmutzung #citizenscience #burgerwissenschaft #tagesspiegel #Nachtlichter
We just finished up our Germany-wide kickoff of the #Nachtlichter project 🎉
Thanks to everyone who attended, and wishing you lots of fun while mapping lights 😀
#lightpollution #wissenschaftsjahr2023 #Nachtlichter
So would that be ok to say that green led light is preferred ?
On 18th September, @travislongcore "unveils the latest findings from his study, demonstrating how targeted lighting design can protect flora and fauna."
Free registration: https://www.trilux-akademie.com/gb/events/webinars/effects-of-led-lighting-on-terrestrial-wildlife/
#LightPollution #DarkSkies #Wildlife #Conservation #LightingDesign
#lightpollution #darkskies #wildlife #conservation #lightingdesign
"This research indicates most [U.S. state and national park] visitors would welcome actions to preserve the quality of the rapidly dwindling naturally dark experiences offered by parks and protected areas."
#lightpollution #darkskies #astrotorism #conservation
«Entre as principais causas do declínio populacional, está o “aumento da luminosidade em vários locais, mesmo rurais, que fazem com que a função luminosa dos pirilampos seja prejudicada”, acrescenta [Sofia Tártaro].»
#pirilampos #fireflies #luzecu #luciernagas #poluiçãoluminosa #lightpollution #contaminacionluminosa #contaminacionluminica
#pirilampos #fireflies #luzecu #luciernagas #poluicaoluminosa #lightpollution #contaminacionluminosa #contaminacionluminica
Our #CitizenScience project needs YOUR help!
We are running a campaign to study how outdoor lighting changes during the night, and we need you to help get the word out to find participants.
Please share this image and the links below with your friends, family, and environmental or astronomy organizations you are involved with!
And if you’ve got good weather – give it a try yourself tonight!
Webpage: https://nachtlicht-buehne.de/nightlights
App: https://lichter.nachtlicht-buehne.de/
#lightpollution #citizenscience
Some new research results on #plants and artificial light at night in two common urban species: "Night-time light pollution caused photoinhibition and oxidative stress in plants, and the extent of the deleterious effects varied with the spectral distribution of artificial light sources and species."
#plants #ALAN #lightpollution #botany
Registration is open for the 16th European Symposium for the Protection of the #Night Sky: https://www.astro.rug.nl/eurodark/
If you care about #LightPollution and live in #Europe, you need to be there!
#europe #lightpollution #night
My colleague Aparna Venkatesan (University of San Francisco) and I have published an eLetter to Science regarding its recent special section on #lightpollution. In it we argue that "the daytime *and* nighttime skies deserve protection as a globally shared heritage."
#lightpollution #darkskies #noctalgia
The worst example of this was a wedding fashion store.
Take a look at these two photos. I took the second just a few steps forward from the first, in a place where the camera is no longer exposed to the glare from the overly bright shop window.
It's a great example of how #LightPollution can reduce visibility. The effects of glare are in general worse for people over 50, and for many people with vision difficulties. (4/)
Sometimes people suggest that stores need to leave the lights on all night to deter #crime.
But check this out - see the store with the dim light at the right in the first photo? This is what it looks like when you look in through the window.
As a pedestrian walking by, you can see everything that's going on in the store - even though the only light that is shining is the emergency exit sign! Keeping the lights on full doesn't make any difference - it's just extra #LightPollution. (3/)
I was recently in Stralsund, Germany, and I was pleasantly surprised to see how many shops now turn off their signs and shop windows late at night! This is a great way to reduce #LightPollution without impacting anyone, because after midnight there is almost no one on the street.
In this short thread, I'll show a few impressions of what I experienced (1/)
Color #vision in #moonlight, check it out! https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/pdf/10.1098/rspb.2023.1267
#lightpollution #moonlight #vision
Our new paper in @PaN_BES indicates that large-scale human celebrations increase global #LightPollution
Despite using VIIRS nighttime satellite imagery, we detected coincidences betwen the annual peak in urban night-time light intensity & cultural-specific festivities in many Christian, Muslim & Hindu countries where Christmas, Epiphany Day, Ramadam & Karthika Masam are celebrated.
Parece que crece la conciencia del impacto de la contaminación lumínica en la sociedad española