I don't love #Lua. It's the only way I know of to script #Adobe #Lightroom (LR is basically a DB that's applied to an external store of photos, so to manipulate it, you need a library). I wish there was an alternative.
what bugs me is that #lightroom preview and export often get moiré for my lowlight images. of course thats because i try to brighten things up alot ... however these effects are never visible while developing the images. its only after the fact that i get greeted by this. and no, i dont sharpen on export and rarely sharpen more than 50
Adobe #Lightroom keeps bumping vibrance to +20 and saturation to +8. It absolutely refuses to accept that #Philly really is this grungy.
Why do seconds count?
#NeoFinder8 now catalogs the exact second a photo was taken, not just hour and minute along with the date.
It turned out we have a lot of photographers here who use #NeoFinder to catalog portraits and photos of sports events, and in such cases, a lot more than a single photo can be made in any minute.
There you have it. Seconds in the EXIF Capture Date!
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A little bit cloudy for the best light this morning but it can still be a bit moody with an edit. #Photography #Obscura #Lightroom #Clouds #iPhone
#photography #obscura #lightroom #clouds #iphone
Also it seems like most people process their pictures in #lightroom so that's next on my agenda #photography
Back from #Tanzania #Africa but syncing my 7000 photos to desktop #Lightroom from my iPad looks like, literally, a week of waiting. It's not bandwidth or upload speed. What is it about uploading many files that seems to kneecap cloud-based services? Can't they just TAR/RAR them?
Last week review 33-2023 with Luminar Studio Light Beta and more extensions to cxome and Lightroom Classic 12.5
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #skylum #luminar #studiolight #sceneexpand #glow #extensions #lightroom #classic
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #skylum #luminar #studiolight #sceneexpand #glow #extensions #lightroom #classic
Wochenrückblick 33-2023 mit Luminar NEO Ankündigungen und Light5room Classic 12.5
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #skylum #luminar #studiolight #sceneexpand #glow #extensions #lightroom #classic
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #skylum #luminar #studiolight #sceneexpand #glow #extensions #lightroom #classic
Sometimes I find Lightroom Classic really frustrating. It was refusing to sync my latest photos and it took such a long time to solve the issue. It seems to do this every time it updates. Anyway, finally got there! #photography #lightroom
Good lord, has Lightroom on mobile always been $65 / year to edit RAW images? I got frustrated with Google Photos not saving RAW edits back to their original albums, it makes the process of selecting photos > editing > posting extremely difficult. Does anyone have any suggestions for mobile editors that are better for this and aren't subscription-based? #photography #lightroom
After a rather long journey through different raw developers, I have to say that raw therapee really suits me best and does what I wan't with low friction.
I used the old lightroom6 non cc for the most time and also tried luminar4 for an extended period as well as affinity photo and darktable.
I wished it had that resize functionality in the export dialog like in darktable so I can export different sizes but thats all.
Haze removal is epic. <3
#darktable #lightroom #luminar #sony
We have discovered a problem in the place name search of the Map in #NeoFinder.
The OpenStreetMap-Server that NeoFinder uses for this feature, has started to return a slightly different data reply format, which NeoFinder did not recognize.
We have added code to NeoFinder today so that this will work again.
If you use this feature of the NeoFinder Map, please contact us for a developer version of #NeoFinder8 with that fix.
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Ich arbeite hier mit #Lightroom und #Photoshop Beta.
In LR suche ich mir ein Referenzbild, welches ich vorbearbeite, damit es recht hübsch aussieht :-)
Danach exportiere ich es in PS und dazu alle anderen Aufnahmen (als darüberliegende Ebenen), die einen Meteoriten enthalten.
Dann bekommt jedes Bild eine schwarze Maske, wie man hier in den Miniaturansichten sehen kann. Mit einem Pinsel kann ich nun mehr oder weniger ordentlich den Meteoriten freilegen, so dass er auf das Referenzbild "durchscheint".
Am Ende vereine ich alle sichtbaren Ebenen und exportiere diese Gesamtebene als jpg.
Hier ein Bild, wie das so aussieht:
New Lightroom "short" video: three ways to add a little more pop or punch to photos as a finishing touch, especially when you notice that there's some room on the right side of the histogram.
#photography #lightroomclassic #video #lightroom
I'm going to be at the @glass Glass Meetup in Portland, OR Aug 6, and bringing something special: my first print author copy of my new book Adobe Lightroom: A Complete Course and Compendium of Features, published by Rocky Nook. The first three people to ask me about the book will get a FREE electronic version of the book! (Ebooks available now, print should arrive in September.) Come say hi!
#rockynook #lightroom #books #meetup #pdx #glassapp
Did you know that #NeoFinder comes bundled with a powerful AutoTags engine, so you can immediately open the NeoFinder #AutoTags Inspector, and check out what things this AI engine can detect in your photo thumbnails?
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So, die letzten Tage in 🇮🇹 — wir chillen heute unsere Base, es gab Fastfood zum Mittag und die Kids planschen im Pool. Ich gucke mir mal #Lightroom auf dem iPad Pro an, weil der Mac zu Hause einsam vor sich hin gammelt. Morgen wäre letzte Gelegenheit mal Bologna anzuschauen. Mal schauen ob wir uns nochmal motivieren … ⛱️☀️