Azaroaren 16an #LightSail2 espaziontzia, #Lurra-ren atmosferan erre egin zen bere 3,5 urteko misioa osatuz. Belak, eguzkitik etorritako fotoiak harrapatzen zituen, haize bela batek mugimenduan dauden aire molekulak harrapatzen dituen bezala, espaziontzia bultzatuz.
The Planetary Society's #LightSail2 spacecraft reentered the atmosphere ending a nearly 3.5 year mission to demonstrate the viability of using a solar sail
Funded by members of the non-profit and run by the #PlanetarySociety the mission started operations twice as far out as the International Space Station, used the #SolarSail for propulsion and made 8,000 orbits
It also took lots of pictures of our #PaleBlueDot
#lightsail2 #planetarysociety #solarsail #palebluedot #space
"Segelnde" #Raumsonde ist verglüht: Die Technologie hinter der Sonde #LightSail2 hat mehrere #Raumschiffe inspiriert ⛵️(futurezone)
#Raumfahrt #dasneueuniversum
#raumsonde #lightsail2 #raumschiffe #raumfahrt #dasneueuniversum
LightSail 2: Von Sonnensegel angetriebener Experimentalsatellit ist verglüht
Nur durch den Druck der Sonnenteilchen hat LightSail 2 seinen Orbit verändert. Auch wegen der zunehmenden Sonnenaktivität ist die Mission jetzt doch zu Ende.
#lightsail2 #sonnensegel #raumfahrt
The #LightSail2 spacecraft will ride on sunshine no more.
LightSail 2 was the first small spacecraft to demonstrate controlled solar sailing, harnessing photons from the sun to adjust its orbit.
IT's official #lightsail2 has burned up after an inspiring and very successful nearly three-and-a-half years mission demontrating solar sailing. Here's an overview plus some pictures of this project funded by tens of thousands of Planetary Society members and backers.
Das Raumschiff #LightSail2 hat geschafft, was vorher noch nie gelang: Dank einem Sonnensegel erreichte es die höhere Erdumlaufbahn. #Raumfahrt
Yay! Lightsail 2 is working to expectations.
#SolarSail #LightSail2 #PlanetarySociety #Satellites #Space
#solarsail #lightsail2 #planetarysociety #satellites #space
We just raised our orbit around Earth using sunlight alone, something that’s never been done before.
#LightSail2 is now the highest performing solar sail to date and it's 100% crowdfunded by our members and backers!
#SpaceX #FalconHeavy #LightSail2 SpaceX launched its Falcon Heavy rocket from Cape Canaveral on a mission involving the launch of various satellites in low and medium Earth orbit.
#spacex #falconheavy #lightsail2
Aaaah quick I gotta go catch my spacecraft
Here we go fellow explorers: #LightSail2 is GO for launch. members & backers- this is your spacecraft!