Zta · @zta
0 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.au

Hello, World!

I've been working on a hobby project for some time, and I recently released it. I call it


and it's a free, minimalistic operating system streamlined for running Docker containers on bare-metal x86 servers. It strives to be zero-installation, zero-configuration, and zero-maintenance, and is very easy to use.

I used to run a home server with Ubuntu and Docker, but got fed up with updates, dist upgrades, reinstalls, and endless backups, restores, and rerereconfigurations. Lightwhale is specifically designed to eliminate all this and make home servers fun again. So if you run a similar setup, this is absolutely for you.

Lightwhale isn't limited to home servers, though, but can be used in a variety of use-cases like IoT hub, on-prem enterprise edge server. Anything Docker, really.

Try Lightwhale today! Or ... you know, whenever you have the time and feel up for it. But please, for the sake of your own precious spare time: Do it before your server reaches its next end-of-life ;)


-metal -prem

#lightwhale #linux #immutable #bare #on #docker #serveros

Last updated 1 year ago

Zta · @zta
0 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.au

@necrosis Ich finde einfacher und besser. Du brauchst es nie zu installieren: lightwhale.asklandd.dk/masr


Last updated 1 year ago

Zta · @zta
0 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.au

@johanneskastl @vwbusguy If you plan to run Docker on your server, you're probably better off running as it boots straight into a working Docker Engine: lightwhale.asklandd.dk/masj


Last updated 1 year ago

Zta · @zta
0 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.au

@Linux_Is_Best Yes, bind-mounting a writable partition onto an immutable filesystem is a pretty basic and standard way of accomplishing writability on an immutable system. Lightwhale Linux is also immutable, and it does this too — only slightly improved: It uses overlayfs to merge the _persistence partition_ on top of the read-only, and it only does this for certain critical directors, like `/etc`. This way only changed files are persisted, which saves space and makes backup easier. And it does partitioning, formatting, overlaying, and formatting automatically upon request!
It's not unbreakable, though; write a crap `/etc/inittab` or `/etc/passwd` for instance, and the system is wrecked. But then again, most systems are...

live-boots straight into an operational engine, and because it's it's literally maintenance-free and works out of the box, so try it out:


#lightwhale #docker #immutable

Last updated 1 year ago

Zta · @zta
0 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.au

@shipp It all depends on what you're trying to accomplish, I guess. If you want a Linux server to run containers, I have only one recommendation: . It's a zero-installation, zero-configuration, and zero-maintenance Linux for -metal servers that boots straight into a working Docker Engine. Try it:


#docker #lightwhale #immutable #bare

Last updated 1 year ago

Zta · @zta
0 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.au

@dskaggs I think is be a far better choice than using any desktop Linux (branded as "server" or not) just for Docker; after all, that's the very purpose of it.

Is swarm real dead? I got the impression that it's only an older version of it, that was obsolete. I know k8s is the norm now, but it's really a horrible yaml configuration hell...


Last updated 1 year ago

Zta · @zta
0 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.au

@TDP4 I couldn't agree more! Or when a simple update of one single packet starts an avalanche of updates, and then hours of reconfiguring follows. That's exactly why I made - A simple zero-installation, zero-configuration, zero-maintenance Linux that boots straight into . It's free, extremely easy to use, and ideal for home servers. Take a look:


#lightwhale #docker

Last updated 1 year ago

Zta · @zta
0 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.au

@dskaggs Sounds cool! I want to look into Docker Swarm myself, I just need the time. What OS are you using? I can recommend . As a zero-installation, zero-configuration, and zero-maintenance Docker OS it's extremely easy to use:



Last updated 1 year ago