To all my students, every time I tried to explain lightning and kept saying we got three implementations, lnd, core lightning and another one that I can't remember right now. This was it, eclair.
RT @RSync25
Eclair: The architecture behind🧵⬇️⚡️
Today we'll speak about architecture behind Eclair
#bitcoin #ligtningnetwork #eclair #layer2 #layer3 #rgb #taproot #privacy
#privacy #taproot #rgb #layer3 #layer2 #eclair #ligtningNetwork #bitcoin
That's a good kind of chip 🤖
RT @AgamaPoint
I pay for beer like a cyborg - using a chip in my hand -
FRID implantat - xNT tag (13.56MHz ISO14443A & NFC Type 2 NTAG216 chip)
#ligtningNetwork technology (LNURL-withdraw)
#hccp21 - thanks @_TaxMeIfYouCan_