Dragon Wanted | My Gaming Landscape [August 1-6, 2023]
>>> https://wp.me/p49mOc-2En
#MyGamingLandscape #WantedDead #LikeADragonIshin
#mygaminglandscape #wanteddead #likeadragonishin
Estaba mirando cuanto tarde en pasarme el #LikeADragonIshin y solo fueron 96h, muy poco comparado con el resto, no se si es por que es muy corto o por que yo fui mas al grano jajajaja
Me gusta el #LikeADragonIshin pero me falta contexto del periodo histórico en el que esta basado para poder terminar de disfrutarlo bien
My Like A Dragon: Ishin! review is live now on gamercast.net I hope you enjoy!
Link is in the bio or...
#LikeADragon #LikeADragonIshin #RyuGaGotoku #SEGA #SakamotoRyoma #KazumaKiryu #yakuza #Yakuzagames #VideoGameReview #Gamer #Gaming #Videogames #ShareYourGames
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My Like A Dragon: Ishin! review is live now on gamercast.net I hope you enjoy!
Link is in the bio or...
#LikeADragon #LikeADragonIshin #RyuGaGotoku #SEGA #SakamotoRyoma #KazumaKiryu #yakuza #Yakuzagames #VideoGameReview #Gamer #Gaming #Videogames #ShareYourGames
#likeadragon #likeadragonishin #ryugagotoku #sega #sakamotoryoma #kazumakiryu #yakuza #yakuzagames #videogamereview #gamer #gaming #videogames #shareyourgames
That's a good Question.
I think I have to decide between two games:
1. Like A Dragon: Ishin
2. Star Wars Jedi Survivor
And I think I'll take Star Wars Jedi Survivor. I love the story of Ishin, but Survivor had so much great moments! ❤️
And i don't think that any other game this year can surpass it 👍
Thank you for the question 🙏
#secretmessage #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #likeadragonishin
#secretmessage #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #likeadragonishin
Platinum Trophy 152: Like A Dragon: Ishin
Well fought and hard won, this one in particular has to be the most time consuming and grindy of the series but there was no way I was about to break my Platinum streak for the Ryu Ga Gotoku games ❤️
Review on the way
#LikeADragonIshin #SakamotoRyoma #SaitoHajime #LikeADragon #Sega #RyuGaGotoku
#Videogamereview #Playstation #PS5 #PlatinumTrophy #Platinumtrophyhunter #ShareYourGames #Gamer #Gaming #Videogames
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Why do I feel like I'm playing Mario Party all of a sudden? 😅
Still working my way through Like A Dragon: Ishin's completion list like the good little Platinum Trophy Hunter I am
Very much enjoying it 😁
Follow my instagram for more gaming clips like this
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#platinumtrophy #likeadragonishin #videogames #gaming #gamer #gamingcommunity #playstation #shareyourgames
Episode 71 Time!
@deKay, @choobs, Zo and Kendrick talk about Lenovo phones, #OLL23, and games like #Diablo, #Sackboy, #LikeADragonIshin and #Disneyland Adventures. Come and listen! Tell your friends!
#disneyland #likeadragonishin #sackboy #diablo #oll23
Episode 71 Time!
@deKay, @choobs, Zo and Kendrick talk about Lenovo phones, #OLL23, and games like #Diablo, #Sackboy, #LikeADragonIshin and #Disneyland Adventures. Come and listen! Tell your friends!
#disneyland #likeadragonishin #sackboy #diablo #oll23
Tja und wo ich dann einmal bei #MediaMarkt war, dachte ich mir „gut, dann kaufst du dir halt die „normale“ PS5 Version“
Nun, die ist aber restlos ausverkauft gewesen.
Na gut, dann geht halt eine Amazon Bestellung raus 🤷♂️
Dafür, zugegebenermaßen auch etwas aus Frust, trotzdem bei der derzeitigen 3 für 2 Aktion zugeschlagen.
Mit #OctopathTraveller2 #LikeaDragonIshin #GranTurismo7 auch eine ganz nette Ausbeute ergattert 🥰
#mediamarkt #octopathtraveller2 #likeadragonishin #GranTurismo7
I've got a very predictable thing for slightly problematic grumpy daddies
Episode 70 is out!
In this episode, @deKay, Kendrick and @asktoby put their lips to their microphones and aurally kiss them with such delicious topics as Starfield being exclusive, #CallofDuty on the Switch, #Counterstrike 2, the #Evercade EXP, and games like #VostokInc, #Pikmin Bloom, #LikeADragonIshin and #OriAndTheBlindForest
#ugvmpodcast #waffle #podcast #videogames #oriandtheblindforest #likeadragonishin #pikmin #vostokinc #evercade #counterstrike #callofduty
[ACTU POP] Café Matin | LOTR Gollum en mai, Sonic Origins Plus, Interview Ishin, Tetris 99 GP32 >>> twitch.tv/sephyross #cafematin #popculture #jeuxvideo #stream #twitch #twitchfr #twitchstream #twitchstreamer #sonic #sega #lordoftherings #gollum #likeadragon #likeadragonishin #nintendoswitch #nintendo #tetris99 #tetris
#cafematin #popculture #jeuxvideo #stream #twitch #twitchfr #twitchstream #twitchstreamer #sonic #sega #lordoftherings #gollum #likeadragon #likeadragonishin #nintendoswitch #nintendo #tetris99 #tetris
Die Sendung DrPongsPraxis Monat März nun 7 Tage in der Mediathek
#Supermario Pizza 🍕😋
Densha De Go Controller von Zuiki für die #NintendoSwitch: Fahren wie der Bahnbabo @PeterWirth10 🤙
Und der Klassiker #HeadOverHeels auf dem Spektrum🕹
#likeadragonishin #supermario #nintendoswitch #headoverheels