Ian Hunt · @ianhunt
255 followers · 886 posts · Server mastodon.green

1. Babington's Leek, Allium ampeloprasum var. babingtonii, in . ID confirmed by Jeremy Bartlett, who grows them. 2m high. I had not seen it before. Three plants growing by the roadside, Rochester, Kent UK chalky soil.You can see a bulbil sprouting. I will iRecord -- not really possible to say if they are planted or naturalised garden escapes, or how they came to be there. 2. Crown Vetch, growing all over a front garden, Securigera varia in pea family.

#liliaceae #wildflowerhour #botany

Last updated 1 year ago

Harry Smart · @Munross
201 followers · 242 posts · Server mastodon.scot

RT @SajadAlipour98
Fritillaria imperialis
Fars; Iran; April2022
Altitude 2400m
Overgrazing is one of the most important destroying factors for this species in Iran

#horticulture #wildlifephotography #diversity #plants #nature #photography #ecology #botany #sajadalipour #liliaceae #fritillaria

Last updated 2 years ago