Memory Use (RAM)- A Brief (Biased?) Comparison of 7 Window Managers
#Linux #Debian #LiliDog #BearDog #Sway #Wayland #Technology #x11 #i3wm #suckless #Herbstluftwm #bspwm #openbox
#openbox #bspwm #herbstluftwm #Suckless #i3wm #x11 #Technology #wayland #sway #beardog #lilidog #Debian #Linux
SwayWM/ Wayland Tutorial.
This is a fairly lengthy tutorial, it includes relevant dotfiles, etc. and is Free.
#SwayWM #Linux #Wayland #WindowManager #Technology #Debian #LiliDog
#lilidog #Debian #Technology #windowmanager #wayland #Linux #swaywm
A brief, boring RAM analysis exercise, offering little, if any benefit. 😜
#urxvt #Technology #terminals #alacritty #lilidog #Debian
LiliDog/ Debian (Debian 12- Bookworm)
"New release Lilidog Bookworm STABLE amd64 23.06.10
Currently only the Lilidog full version is available on SOURCEFORGE, while the minimal and Beardog versions will become available as they are uploaded today."
#News #Linux #bookworm #Technology #lilidog #Debian
For those interested in getting an early look (and test) of Debian 12 (Bookworm) as it heads into release, you may find the release candidates from LiliDog of interest. I am personally planning to have a run at the BearDog variant. Here's the download page:
#Debian #Bookworm #LiliDog #Technology #Linux
#Linux #Technology #lilidog #bookworm #Debian
I have to say that the more I use #DKwm, the better I like it. 😉
FWIW I have incorporated a good deal of automation (via #sxhkd and #wmctrl) in my personal install. I'll publish a tutorial of what I have done on my site ( ) and share it on both #ArchLabs and on #LiliDog.
#windowmanager #Debian #Technology #Linux #lilidog #archlabs #dkwm #wmctrl #sxhkd
For those interested in a well built, lightweight Debian based disto geared towards running window managers (wm), not Desktop Environments, you may find LiliDog of interest. I use LiliDog (running sid, rolling unstable Debian). I use it with the following in a single-user space: i3wm, bspwm, openbox, hlwm, and dwm.
Here are the links:
Main site:
#Technology #Linux #Sid #Distro #Debian #LiliDog #OpenBox #i3wm #dwm #Suckless #bspwm #hlwm
#hlwm #bspwm #Suckless #dwm #i3wm #openbox #lilidog #Debian #distro #sid #Linux #Technology
"fff (bash tui/ncurses file manager)"
#Debian #lilidog #filemanager #FFF #Linux
So after a few days sort of not wasted (but yeah, wasted) on getting a #linux distro with persistence to work via USB on my refurb Samsung Chromebook the clear OS winner is an obscure distro called #Lilidog. It works absolutely perfect off of a USB (small lag but liveable), installed what I like and acts like a full linux distro. Not even Lubunto would load via usb even after using mkusb to make it. Love this distro!
ya sé que no es #viernesdeescritorio pero querÃa subirlo como viene, antes que empiece a toquetear y deje de ser tan lindo