I was shocked to learn that many common lily flowers and plants are toxic to cats. Even getting the pollen on their fur and then licking it off when they wash has the potential to be fatal.
#cats #safety #lily #lilium #psa
#cats #safety #lily #lilium #psa
https://www.tkhunt.com/1475417/ 【オクトラガチ勢によるオクトラ2】エクストラストーリー リベンジ編【毎週土曜21時から定期配信】 #InottiTV #LiLium #NottinTV #UC02ym5w_S_o464-Ws3sQtYw #UC2jE2i2lC7ZJQl4tQoIiX7g #UCa8g5A0CTSx5B8jaHmYT4ZA #UCEzcTclFRku9Lspw7hesIqg #UCk8mpISvagD0Spzo10rperA #UCML3wVoBqulm-FbQRpUxHwA #UCZxW_aDg88yn-yGFygUbYFA #オクトパストラベラー #オクトパストラベラー専門家代表こがめ #オクトラ大陸の覇者 #でんでん虫 #ノポウチャンネル #大陸の覇者 #現実主義Games #金価格
#inottitv #lilium #nottintv #uc02ym5w_s_o464 #uc2je2i2lc7zjql4tqoiix7g #uca8g5a0ctsx5b8jahmyt4za #ucezctclfrku9lspw7hesiqg #uck8mpisvagd0spzo10rpera #ucml3wvobqulm #uczxw_adg88yn #オクトパストラベラー #オクトパストラベラー専門家代表こがめ #オクトラ大陸の覇者 #でんでん虫 #ノポウチャンネル #大陸の覇者 #現実主義games #金価格
Ein Blick in die Zukunft des städtischen Luftverkehrs ✈️: Bei einem Besuch bei #Lilium, einem Unternehmen für innovative #Luftmobilität, erlebten wir faszinierende Gespräche und beeindruckende Live-Demonstrationen. Hier wird aktiv an der Gestaltung der Zukunft des Fliegens gearbeitet! 🚁 "Lilium zeigt, wie wir mit innovativen Technologien die #Mobilität von morgen neu definieren können. Eine spannende Vision für eine nachhaltige und effiziente urbane Fortbewegung", so Volker Wissing vor Ort.
#lilium #luftmobilitat #mobilitat
新約LILIUMのFA 大森ファルスがいまだに頭から離れないので早く円盤の発売日来てくれ… #lilium #trumpシリーズ #繭期 #新約LILIUM #舞台
#舞台 #新約LILIUM #繭期 #trumpシリーズ #lilium
E dopo il brutto un po' di bello . Un bel fiore il giglio detto propriamente #lilium quasi come se fosse una #paroladesueta e degna di #adottaunaparola . Quasi , vero @Josephine
#lilium #paroladesueta #adottaunaparola
Found one #ColumbiaLily aka #PantherLily - #NativeWildflower yesterday.
#W̱MÍYEŦEN #Wsanec #Lekwungen #Nature #Sanctuary #Millstream #Watershed #GowllandRange #conservation #vanisle #PNW #VictoriaBC #yyj #greenbelt #VancouverIsland #CoastSalish #Cascadia #PacificNorthwest #ProtectedProperty #ConserveNature #biodiversity #NatureImmersion #Lilium #Columbianum #perennial #NativePlants #Spring #wildflowers #botanical
#columbialily #pantherlily #nativewildflower #wmiyeten #wsanec #lekwungen #nature #sanctuary #millstream #watershed #gowllandrange #conservation #vanisle #pnw #victoriabc #yyj #greenbelt #vancouverisland #coastsalish #cascadia #pacificnorthwest #protectedproperty #conservenature #biodiversity #natureimmersion #lilium #columbianum #perennial #nativeplants #spring #wildflowers #botanical
#Lilium announced a new capital raise this week from Aceville, an affiliate of existing investor #Tencent. $100M to be funded at closing + $75M contingent on Lilium raising $75M from 3rd parties. The #eVTOL developer had $157.5M cash on hand as of March 31: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1855756/000110465923054601/tm2314237d1_6k.htm
If only libertarian bros would react to #Lilium's devastating financial figures with the same rigour they usually show when judging (much more useful) public projects with overspending.
Roughly 1 Billion USD "necessary" out of which about 700 Million are already burnt for a techbro taxi gadget. Yeah, that's what we need to spend money on right now!
GKN Aerospace To Develop Wiring System for Lilium Jet
by Charles Alcock
More: https://hypeaviation.com/story/gkn-aerospace-to-develop-wiring-system-for-lilium-jet/106929/
#evtol #lilium #aviation
The @VTOLsociety is supporting #AIRTEC2023 in Augsburg, Germany in October. Check our report on our groundbreaking day of talks on #eVTOL, #eSTOL and #eCTOL from last year's Airtec:
#AIRTEC #ElectricFlight #electricVTOL #H2eVTOL #H2eCTOL #aviation #avgeek #AAM #EASA #TU_Muenchen #Lilium #Joby #Eve #Hydroplane #Airbus #AutoFlight #Odys #ElectroAero #ElectraAero #Vaeridion #GKN #RollsRoyce #Rotorcraft #HoneywellAero #UAS #AAM #UAM #FACC
#airtec2023 #eVTOL #estol #ectol #airtec #electricflight #electricvtol #h2evtol #h2ectol #aviation #avgeek #AAM #EASA #tu_muenchen #lilium #joby #eve #hydroplane #airbus #autoflight #odys #electroaero #electraaero #vaeridion #gkn #rollsroyce #Rotorcraft #honeywellaero #uas #uam #facc
@ElectricVTOL has the most extensive and longest-running website of #eVTOL news. The @VTOLsociety has been covering #ElectricVTOL News since 2012, and has more than 300 in-depth articles, including on #eCTOL, #eSTOL and #H2aero. Check out our latest roundup of progress by leading eVTOL companies over the past two months: "eVTOL Leaders Continue Progress," #Vertiflite, Jan/Feb 2023:
#VerticalAero #BetaTech #EHang #jobyaviation #Lilium #Overair #Supernal #Volocopter #AAM
#eVTOL #electricvtol #ectol #estol #h2aero #vertiflite #verticalaero #betatech #ehang #jobyaviation #lilium #overair #supernal #Volocopter #AAM
@ElectricVTOL has the most extensive and longest-running website of #eVTOL news. The @VTOLsociety has been covering #ElectricVTOL News since 2012, and has more than 300 in-depth articles, including on #eCTOL, #eSTOL and #H2aero. Check out our latest roundup of progress by leading eVTOL companies over the past two months: "eVTOL Leaders Continue Progress," #Vertiflite, Jan/Feb 2023:
#VerticalAero #BetaTech #EHang #jobyaviation #Lilium #Overair #Supernal #Volocopter #AAM
#eVTOL #electricvtol #ectol #estol #h2aero #vertiflite #verticalaero #betatech #ehang #jobyaviation #lilium #overair #supernal #Volocopter #AAM
Latest @VTOLsociety #ElectricVTOL News, from the forthcoming Jan/Feb issue of #Vertiflite magazine: "#eVTOL Leaders Continue Progress"
Updates on #BetaTech, #EHang, #jobyaviation, #Lilium, #overair, #VerticalAero & #volocopter:
Photo: Beta CEO Kyle Clark (left) with Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg (right) and Alia 250c (center). Photo credit: Beta Technologies
#electricvtol #vertiflite #eVTOL #betatech #ehang #jobyaviation #lilium #overair #verticalaero #Volocopter
Latest @VTOLsociety #ElectricVTOL News, from the forthcoming Jan/Feb issue of #Vertiflite magazine: "#eVTOL Leaders Continue Progress"
Updates on #BetaTech, #EHang, #jobyaviation, #Lilium, #overair, #VerticalAero & #volocopter:
Photo: Beta CEO Kyle Clark (left) with Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg (right) and Alia 250c (center). Photo credit: Beta Technologies
#electricvtol #vertiflite #eVTOL #betatech #ehang #jobyaviation #lilium #overair #verticalaero #Volocopter
The @VTOLsociety runs the @ElectricVTOL News site and publishes "The Electric VTOL News" newsletter every 2 weeks. This week's edition came out today:
Sign up for our free #eVTOL Newsletter & check out past issues at www.eVTOL.news/newsletters
Stories on #ArcherAviation Midnight, #Lilium, #GKNAero, #hydrogen & more!
#ElectricVTOL #VTOL #aviation #technology #ElectricFlight #H2eVTOL #H2aero #HydrogenFlight #VerticalFlight #VTOLflight #VTOLsociety #VerticalFlightSociety
#eVTOL #archeraviation #lilium #gknaero #hydrogen #electricvtol #vtol #aviation #technology #electricflight #h2evtol #h2aero #hydrogenflight #verticalflight #vtolflight #vtolsociety #verticalflightsociety