An #Aircraft has entered or is near the Dutch airspace.
#ICAO: #4843F2
#Flight: #KLM744
First seen above: N/A
Altitude: 12575 ft
Model: Boeing 777 206ER
Operator: #KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
From: #LIM Jorge Chávez, Lima, Perú
To: #AMS Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Netherlands
First seen: 2023-07-17 12:08:49
Last seen: 2023-07-17 12:14:00
#aircraft #icao #4843f2 #flight #klm744 #klm #lim #ams
Sunday. And this is the last thing on my mind. An ecologically dead river. In this green and pleasant land. Right you are the folks carry on suggesting just stop oil and XR are offensive. They exist because the right action was denied. Ignored. Buried. Under invested..
Think before you reply to this with challenging remarks. You can just quietly carry on disapproving with your mouth closed
God I'm so angry rn.
#river #Lim #Dorset #pollution.
#river #lim #Dorset #pollution
ICAO: A05A03
Flt: UAL887 #UnitedAirlines #LIM-#EWR
First seen: 2023/01/19 05:00:16
Min Alt: 37980 ft AGL
Min Dist: 148.0 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Kotaku: One Piece Odyssey Is A Good Anime Game But A Meh JRPG So Far #gaming #tech #kotaku #dream9toriko26onepiece26dragonballzsupercollaborationspecial2121 #onepiece3abaronomatsuriandthesecretisland #fictionalcharacters #katsuakitsuzuki #monkeydluffy #bandainamco #roronoazoro #funimation #nicorobin #admitsone #onepiece #ilcainc #warford #fiction #franky #luffy #sanji #brook #nami #rpg #lim
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #dream9toriko26onepiece26dragonballzsupercollaborationspecial2121 #onepiece3abaronomatsuriandthesecretisland #fictionalcharacters #katsuakitsuzuki #monkeydluffy #bandainamco #roronoazoro #funimation #nicorobin #admitsone #onepiece #ilcainc #warford #fiction #franky #luffy #sanji #brook #nami #rpg #lim
Right now, @DSOBerlin plays #Lim #Bauckholt with Ballon and #Lang in #Berlin #wch
#lim #bauckholt #lang #berlin #wch
In 20 minutes, @DSOBerlin plays #Lim #Bauckholt with Ballon and #Lang in #Berlin #wch
#lim #bauckholt #lang #berlin #wch
Today, @DSOBerlin plays #Lim #Bauckholt with Ballon and #Lang in #Berlin #wch
#lim #bauckholt #lang #berlin #wch
Gracias a la versatilidad del cabello largo podemos utilizar diferentes tipos de peinados como las trenzas, el uso de flequillo o colas altas. También podemos lucir colores extravagantes, llevar capas y hasta relucir con una hermosa melena rizada. |Marta Santacana Gri
#maquillaje #makeup MARTA SANTACANA GRI #maquillajedeojos #makeuplook MARTA SANTACANA GRI #makeupideas #butterflies #fairymakeupMARTA SANTACANA GRI #glossylips #belleza #maquillaje #lim
#lim #belleza #glossylips #fairymakeupmarta #butterflies #makeupideas #makeuplook #maquillajedeojos #makeup #maquillaje
Ny vecka.
Nu är vi på väg in i jul och rim-tider,
men för mig känns det mest som sniffalim-tider.
Co-worker wanted to catch flight to #LIM , however, all flights cancelled due to accident at the airport:
Plane crashed into fuel truck:
Co-worker wanted to catch flight to #lIM , however, all flights cancelled due to accident at the airport:
Plane crashed into fuel truck:
Any Stan of:
Alguien que venga de:
#Hatfelt #Yeeun
#Twice #Once
#LaMasDraga #LMD
Or #TaylorSwift #swiftie here / Aquí?✨🙋🏻♀️
#kpop2ndgen #wondergirls #miyane #sunye #hatfelt #yeeun #sohee #yubin #sunmi #lim #twice #once #lamasdraga #lmd #taylorswift #swiftie
È uscita l'ultima versione (1.6.2) di #OpenBoard il #softwarelibero multipiattaforma per la gestione della lavagna digitale. Per il momento è disponibie solo sul sito di Github: e non ancora sul sito ufficiale di OpenBoard #scuola #LIM @maupao
#openboard #softwarelibero #scuola #lim
@lealternative Da diversi anni uso a scuola #OpenBoard e prima ancora #OpenSankoré di cui è un fork , è un ottimo #softwarelibero e (licenza GNU GPL 3.0) e multipiattaforma per gestire la lavagna digitale (#LIM) È presente anche nella distribuzione #SoDiLinux creata per le scuole dall'Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche del CNR di Genova: Per la storia del programma si può vedere: @maupao @mauriziocarnago @scuola
#openboard #opensankoré #softwarelibero #lim #sodilinux
In Sheung Wan.
#po6l #lim #sheungwan #HongkongIsland #hkstreetart #hkgraffiti
#po6l #lim #sheungwan #HongkongIsland #hkstreetart #hkgraffiti