Včera som sa zasekol v hre #Limbo. Dnes ráno v polospánku ma napadlo riešenie. Zaujímavo funguje ten náš mozog.
#howlowcanyougo #limbo #drugs #taking
Limbo (2021) 智齿
Un thriller poisseux qui mise uniquement sur son esthétisme (…) en délaissant son scénario, il confère à l’ennui.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/limbo/critique/254777690
#limbo #zhichǐ #soicheang #film #cinema
Life in isolated townships of Australia's outback wilderness deeply fascinates coastal city dwellers. As one, I too am mesmerized by the poignancy in those who occupy these deprived, remote settlements. In often dysfunctional and broken communities, the whites' uncompromising monopolies are enforced by ever-harsh policing. Indigenous locals live on the fringes of not only the town, but its society.
In Limbo, this incongruity unfolds as leisurely as the lives of the inhabitants. Projected in a stark monochromatic display, the film layers a pock-marked and corrupted opal mining landscape onto the souls of its former custodians. Ivan Sen is one such. As writer, director, producer, he brings the plight of his blackfellas into sharp relief through vistas of their ravaged landscape.
His equally mesmerising Mystery Road also allowed the landscape of this ancient continent to tell its story: timeless legends that dwarf the banal trivialities of us white barbarians who plunder this paradise.
This is a slow-paced chronicle of a doomed cold case missing person investigation. But plot is of no more importance than the characters.
The land, the country as silent narrator is the star attraction.
#movie #movies #cinema #film #cinemastodon #limbo
"Here you go, lad." The detective held two tankards. "One pint of #Limbo."
"A pint?" squeaked the rookie.
"Cheers." He took a long draught and swallowed. "Ah, good stuff. Glad you suggested it."
"But... they usually serve it in shot glasses."
"Ah. Guess I'll be drinking you under the table, again."
#microfiction #MastoPrompt #limbo
reflecting on life
floating softly in limbo
flotsam and jetsam
#haiku #575 #poetry #writing #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity #MastoPrompt #limbo
#limbo #MastoPrompt #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #writing #poetry #haiku
I dance on the cusp
Waver in the liminal
Illusions linger
he loves me
he loves me not
but do I love him?
#Mastoprompt - #limbo
#writingcommunity #writing #poetrycommunity #poetry #smallpoems #poem #senryu #haiku #limbo #MastoPrompt
The #MastoPrompt for Saturday 22nd July 2023 is:
The poem or story can include the prompt word or be about the prompt word.
#SmallPoems #Poetry #MicroFiction #SmallStories
@penprompts (please remove link from any replies)
#SmallStories #MicroFiction #Poetry #smallpoems #limbo #MastoPrompt
Every time I watch Australian #movies (this time: #Limbo , later tonight #Walkabout for the umpteenth time), I curse my #stroke residuals the most. Because all I would like to do after watching them, is to close my apartment door, get a plane ticket and vanish into #Australia , never to surface again.
#Movies #limbo #walkabout #stroke #australia
Sorti en cours de séance devant #Limbo. Je crois que ça me fatigue de voir des films aux couleurs ternes où on voit des femmes se faire tabasser, maltraiter et découper en petits morceaux pendant deux heures par des mecs qui n’ont pas guéri de leurs traumas d’enfance, sous prétexte que le réalisateur veuille montrer que ohlala le monde c’est de la merde.
C’est un genre de violence très gratuite et très pénible.
✖ Le baromètre national ✖
Fréquentation 1ères séances
Cinéma | UGC Les Halles | 09h | Paris
#MissionImpossibleDeadReckoning (part1) 121 💥
#Limbo 37
#LesHerbesSèches 31
#LesAlguesVertes 23
#Virgin Suicides 22
#LeRetour 16
#PetitJésus 15
Bonne semaine cinéphilique à tous ! ;)
#missionimpossibledeadreckoning #limbo #lesherbesseches #lesalguesvertes #virgin #leretour #petitjesus #9hdeshalles #frequentation #cinema #ugcleshalles
Otra vez #INSIDE y #LIMBO fueron los juegos más destacados en las ventas en la #eShop de #NintendoSwitch en #Mexico esta semana :3. https://tinyurl.com/4r6xy29b
#inside #limbo #eshop #nintendoswitch #mexico
#INSIDE y #LIMBO fueron los juegos más destacados en las ventas a través de la #eShop de #NintendoSwitch en #Mexico esta semana :3. https://tinyurl.com/4xhaaza9
#inside #limbo #eshop #nintendoswitch #mexico
Je lance le live sur LIMBO ! A tout de suite ! :shibashock:
Ce soir à 21h30 sur #Twitch je vais découvrir un petit jeu après tout le monde : #LIMBO.
Sorti en 2010, LIMBO est un jeu de plateforme à l'ambiance sombre et terrifiante. J'avoue que j'ai pas le courage de le faire tout seul :wtf: c'est l'avantage de streamer : ça rend la tâche moins effrayante pour moi haha
Some more photos of "Tower"
#painting #nocturne #cityscape #Sheffield
#kenopsia #hauntology #emptystreets #liminal
#busstopgothic #psychogeography #geniusloci
#geographyofnowhere #limbo #oilpainting
#art #artist #painter
#painting #nocturne #cityscape #sheffield #kenopsia #hauntology #emptystreets #liminal #busstopgothic #psychogeography #geniusloci #geographyofnowhere #limbo #oilpainting #art #artist #painter
Here's a painting I've finished recently
Tower’, 2023
Acrylic and oil on stretched canvas.
106.7cm (42”) x 81.3cm (32”)
Currently NFS
There is an archival quality giclée print available to buy from
#painting #nocturne #cityscape #Sheffield
#kenopsia #hauntology #emptystreets #liminal
#busstopgothic #psychogeography #geniusloci #geographyofnowhere #limbo #oilpainting #art #artist #painter
#painting #nocturne #cityscape #sheffield #kenopsia #hauntology #emptystreets #liminal #busstopgothic #psychogeography #geniusloci #geographyofnowhere #limbo #oilpainting #art #artist #painter