It's Limerick-Off time. Please join me in writing a limerick using this RHYME WORD at the end of any one line: BOARD or BORED.
Entry Link:
Don't forget the separate themed-limerick contest. The new theme is PITCH.
Finally, there's also a Random Word Generator Contest. (See Entry Link for details.)
FOUR weeks from today your best submission will be crowned "Limerick-Off Award Winner."
#Limerick #Limericks #LimerickOff #LimerickContest #Humour #Humor
#humor #humour #limerickcontest #limerickoff #limericks #limerick
Thanks for another fun Limerick-Off, which is officially over. And the winners are...
Congratulations to our Limerick-Off Award Winner, the Test-Themed Limerick Winner, the Random Word Generator Limerick Winner, and to the Honorable Mention Winners.
#Limerick#Limericks #LimerickOff #LimerickContest #Humour #Humor
#humor #humour #limerickcontest #limerickoff #limerick
This night, after too many drinks
our furphilic hero bethinks
of erecting low villas
for rescued chinchillas
and ermines and martens and minks.
#SmallPoems #poems #poetry #PoetryCommunity
#LimerickRhyme; #LimerickOff (@MadKane )
#limericks #smallpoems #poems #poetry #poetrycommunity #limerickrhyme #limerickoff
I run #limerick contests & always illustrate the Limerick-Off RHYME-WORD with a limerick. In my current Limerick-Off, the RHYME-WORD is SCENE or SEEN or OBSCENE.
If you write your own SCENE or SEEN or OBSCENE-Rhyme limerick, please post it here, to be considered for the contest:
#Limericks #Rhyme #LimerickOff #Poetry #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #MicroPoetry #Writing #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity #Humor #Humour
#humour #humor #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #writing #micropoetry #amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #prompts #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #poetry #limerickoff #rhyme #limericks #limerick
If you'd like to read the winning limerick entries from my February Limerick-Off, you can find them here:
I'll be posting a link to the March Limerick-Off in a few minutes.
#LimerickPrompt #LimerickOff #Limericks #Limerick #Rhyme #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #MicroPoetry #Writing #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity
#poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #writing #micropoetry #amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #prompts #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #rhyme #limerick #limericks #limerickoff #limerickprompt
It's Limerick-Off time, so join me in writing a limerick using this RHYME WORD at the end of any 1 line: NET.
There's also a separate themed-limerick contest (the theme is CLASS) and a Random Word Generator Limerick Contest. (Details at link.)
#LimerickPrompt #Poetry #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #MicroPoetry #Writing #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity
#limerickoff #rhyme #limericks #limerick #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #writing #micropoetry #amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #prompts #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #poetry #limerickprompt
Thanks for another fun Limerick-Off, which is officially over. And the winners are...
Congratulations to our Limerick-Off Award Winner, the Destruction-Themed Limerick Winner, the Random Word Generator Limerick Winner, and to the Honorable Mention Winners.
#LimerickPrompt #Poetry #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #MicroPoetry #Writing #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity
#limerickoff #rhyme #limericks #limerick #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #writing #micropoetry #amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #prompts #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #poetry #limerickprompt
Here's my Religion-Themed limerick for my current Limerick-Off. If you write your own religion-themed limerick and would like to enter it in that Limerick-Off, please post it in the comments section of this entry link:
#Limerick #Limericks #Religion #LimerickOff #Poetry #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #micropoetry
#micropoetry #amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #prompts #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #poetry #limerickoff #religion #limericks #limerick
#LimerickPrompt #GOSSIP is the theme of my current #LimerickOff challenge, as you can see from my latest #limerick. If you write your own GOSSIP-THEMED limerick, please cross-post it here in order to enter the theme segment of my latest contest:
#limerickoff #limerickprompt #limerick #gossip