We have some great new tags, especially on the Haiku front.
For lots of mastodon prompts visit: https://sydneyearly.com/mastodon-prompts/ or subscribe to: https://sydneyearly.com/category/masto-prompt/feed/atom/
#amwriting #horror365 #limerickoffs #micropoetry #midweekflash #poety #scifiprompt #smallpoems #write #writer #writing #writingcommunity #3lines #575prompt #dailyhaiku #dailyhaikuprompt #freehaiku #haiga #haiku #HorrorHaiku #monoku #senryu #tanka #urbanhaiku #wotdhaikuprompt
Very Cool, #Writing / #poetry #prompt #SciFiPrompt #Horror365 #LimerickOffs #MastoPrompt #575Prompt #Promptodon
Called #MidWeekFlash
by: @purplequeennl
You all should check it out and boost a very long running cool prompt!
#Writing #poetry #prompt #scifiprompt #horror365 #limerickoffs #MastoPrompt #575prompt #promptodon #midweekflash
tomorrow when I look back /
on all this work I let stack /
like so many I have rued /
today I am fooled /
for good judgment, I lack
#Limerick @MadKane #LimerickOffs #WritingCommunity #WritersOfMastodon #writing #Poetry
#limerick #limerickoffs #writingcommunity #writersofmastodon #Writing #poetry
There is a new #LimerickOffs @ http://www.madkane.com/humor_blog/category/limerick-offs/
#Limerick @MadKane #LimerickOffs #WritingCommunity #WritersOfMastodon #writing #Poetry
#limerickoffs #limerick #writingcommunity #writersofmastodon #Writing #poetry
My Limerick-Off challenges are always the top post on this page:
#Resolution #Resolutions #NewYearsResolution #NewYear #NewYearsEve
#Limerick #Limericks #Poetry #LimerickOffs #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #micropoetry #VerseThursday
#newyearseve #newyear #NewYearsResolution #resolutions #resolution #VerseThursday #micropoetry #amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #prompts #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #limerickoffs #poetry #limericks #limerick
Reblogged: Kane, Madeline. “How To Write A Limerick.” MAD KANE’S HUMOR BLOG, 22 Mar. 2012, www.madkane.com/humor_blog/how-to-write-a-limerick/. Accessed 25 Dec. 2022.
#WritingCommunity #poetry #WritersOfMastodon #limerick #LimerickOffs
#writingcommunity #poetry #writersofmastodon #limerick #limerickoffs
no spirits confer
for the crowd's silver
you danced and blew
you earn your stew
you profit and you pilfer
#limerick @MadKane #LimerickOffs
hope I did this right