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📢 in : 'Having Too Much: Essays on ' by Ingrid Robeyns (ed.).

'Having Too Much' is the first academic volume devoted to : the idea that using or resources should not exceed certain limits. This concept has deep roots in and thought.

One can find similar statements of such limits in thinkers such as , , and . But this book is the first time in contemporary that is explored at length and in detail.

Including some of the key published articles as well as new chapters, 'Having Too Much' is necessary reading for scholars and students of and , as well as anyone interested in questions of .

Access this OA title for free or get a hard copy at

#outnow #oa #philosophical #limitarianism #economic #ecosystem #political #plato #aquinas #Spinoza #philosophy #politicaltheory #distributivejustice

Last updated 1 year ago

Misha · @MishaVelthuis
142 followers · 293 posts · Server



"Bij 2,2 miljoen euro ligt dan het omslagpunt. Dan vindt zeker tweederde van de ondervraagden dat nóg meer rijkdom niets meer toevoegt. En het is het punt waarop mensen – als ze moeten kiezen voor meer geld naar publieke voorzieningen als de zorg, of een lagere belasting op grote vermogens – steevast voor het eerste kiezen.’ Vrij vertaald: bij 2,2 miljoen ligt voor de Nederlanders de grens voor te rijk."


Last updated 2 years ago

Buskes · @hansbuskes
177 followers · 437 posts · Server

Woord van de dag mooi stuk van Evelien van Veen. @volkskrant

#limitarianism #limitarist

Last updated 2 years ago

Ingrid Robeyns · @ingridrobeyns
209 followers · 7 posts · Server

Hi - here's my ! I am an academic - trained as a political philosopher and economist, but developed into an interdisciplinary thinker on normative questions. I hold the Chair Ethics of Institutions at Utrecht University. I want to know how a better society could look like, and what changes are needed to move in that direction. I am currently writing a book on , forthcoming with Allen Lane/Penguin in the UK and Astra House in the US.

#limitarianism #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Ingrid Robeyns · @ingridrobeyns
751 followers · 72 posts · Server

Hi - here's my ! I am an academic - trained as a political philosopher and economist, but developed into an interdisciplinary thinker on normative questions. I hold the Chair Ethics of Institutions at Utrecht University. I want to know how a better society could look like, and what changes are needed to move in that direction. I am currently writing a book on , forthcoming with Allen Lane/Penguin in the UK and Astra House in the US.

#limitarianism #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago