only now catching up on reading papers from #limits2023. Still stuck on this one: "Back to the trees: Identifying plants with Human Intelligence" with design constraints like self-obviating or dependency on sociotechnical context :
@brettcannon @paulralph @seresearchers @AndrzejWasowski @academicchatter @mfamelis I’ve been to & organized many engaging online(-first) conferences & workshops since 2020. It is absolutely possible to have excellent, engaging, fun online events. (And teaching.) #limits2023 was online first with regional hubs, a wonderful event and in several ways more engaging than in person & above all, inclusive, free & accessible. For many reasons, this should be the default in 2023. #accessibility
Hello to all attending Computing Within Limits 2023!
#limits2023 #computingwithinlimits
As part of the Modul Creating Impact in Laura Popplows course Social Hubs, Students from Code & Context organise a local hub for LIMITS 2023 – a series of remote workshops that reflect upon the role of computing in a world with limits since 2015 .
We're last-minute-hosting a #öresund regional hub for #ComputingWithinLimits at #lodis
Come and watch the talks and panels tillsammans!
more info and sign-up on dukop:
#oresund #computingwithinlimits #lodis #limits2023
#LIMITS2023, el noveno workshop en Computing within Limits, sucederá en línea el miércoles 14 y jueves 15 de junio, de 16:00 a 22:00 CEST.
Aquí el programa:
El registro gratuito se realiza a continuación:
¿Hay alguien más en #Madrid que piense asistir? Podríamos organizarnos para reunirnos en persona :drake_like:
Any LIMITS2023 hub in NL this year?
#limits #computingwithinlimits #limits2023