@RickiTarr @saharafang
The moneyPrinter enables the worst fascism. Are you not aware of the ? Bankers should have gone to prison.

Tillony is , it steals labour, and is what was intended to prevent . Central bank proponents conspired to create , and the world has persistently moved to ever since. Yes is bad, but now we have .

Bitcoin finally enables . Limits to corporate greed.

#gfc #theftonthegrandestofscales #soundmoney #tillony #thefed #fascism #goldMining #bitcoin #limitstogrowth

Last updated 1 year ago

Samuel Plumppu · @Greenheart
85 followers · 367 posts · Server fosstodon.org
Threadbane · @Threadbane
188 followers · 2487 posts · Server newsie.social

@DEDGirl @MiriShuli All true, but there's absolutely nothing I can do about any of that, just like no matter what I did my entire life to stop the destruction of the planet (), I've been helpless against the GOP Juggernaut of ignorance, religion and greed. There seemed to be hope under Carter, but then Reagan showed up and turned us into a society of enemies, militarized police with battering rams and SWAT teams.
I'm sorry I couldn't save you or the tigers or the honey bees.


Last updated 1 year ago

Threadbane · @Threadbane
188 followers · 2487 posts · Server newsie.social

I care a LOT more about animals than I do about humans. There are entirely too many humans tearing up animal habitat and not nearly enough wildlife as a result. I feel much worse for the mountain lions, birds, and insects than I do the millionaires whose houses went up in smoke in California and a LOT worse about the starving orcas and bears than I do about the salmon fishermen who are "losing their livelihood". I don't even own a gun, never mind hunt. .


Last updated 1 year ago

Casdeiro · @casdeiro
195 followers · 117 posts · Server 15-15-15.social
Threadbane · @Threadbane
180 followers · 2312 posts · Server newsie.social

@malcircuit @naught101
For me, the missing factor in arguments to save the planet is population control. What the Earth needs is a moratorium on human fecundity. No more children for 10 years or some such. In grade school, having to march to the auditorium and hide underneath the seats while the teachers pulled the drapes, nuclear war was the big worry, and remained so into the 1980s when everybody got tired of thinking about it. Now I think nuclear war might be a good thing.


Last updated 1 year ago

Threadbane · @Threadbane
179 followers · 2253 posts · Server newsie.social


This entire speculative exercise disregards overpopulation and the imminent collapse of the biosphere. Might as well be talking about power pyramids, zero point energy and the Second Coming. A super-abundant, post scarcity society is the type of magical thinking that makes sense only to economists who don't seem capable of understanding the implications of exponential growth. Some delving into the essays of Dr. Isaac is in order.

#limitstogrowth #asimov

Last updated 1 year ago

@RvH We won't get back to the old kind of climate for tens of thousands of years, and even if we completely stopped burning any fossil carbon right now, it would still get warmer for 20-30 years because there is a lot of inertia in something as big as the whole Earth. So if we stop it ASAP, it will stop in a state which is even worse than what we already experience today, and even if we do all we can to help the Earth heal, it will take long enough for entire civilisations to rise and fall before it gets close to where we were before the Industrial Revolution.
Speaking of industry, I fear that the Age of Machines will be over within a few centuries, and there won't be tevhnology which is very much more complex than we already have today, before at some point around the middle of the century the decline begins and the capabilities necessary to produce complex artifacts get lost. Even if we still know how to make or do something, we won't be able to do it because the necessary industrial facilities aren't avaliable anymore, or because we've run out of some critical raw materials. I think silicon chips will be one of the first things to go - first we will lose the ability to make the highly integrated circuits of today, falling back to 1990s or even 1980s levels, and eventually, maybe by the end of the 21st century, maybe in the 22nd, we will lose the ability to make integrated circuits altogether.

This is not just a , this is a complex (or if you want the word too look a little more Greek) of the entire civilisation, at the core of it all is the end of economic growth because we're hitting the global growth limits of Planet Earth, is to blame, and we have known this would happen since the published in 1972, three years before my birth. If we had an Ecosocialist World Revolution against Capitalism right now, ending fossil fuel use in the industrialised parts of the world rapidly within the next few years and switching from a growth-based economy to a steady-state one that focuses on providing all the goods and services all the people need instead of producing shit that can be sold on the markets, we might slow the decline so that the Machine Age could peter out over the next 300-500 years, but as things stand now, I don' think it will last another 150 years.

I fear we are about to enter something like the Age of Lost Dreams, when we thought we were about to build the first outposts in our Solar System but instead fall back behind the living standard of our great-grandparents. Things will get a lot worse before anything gets better. What we need now is not false hope but anger and wrath. What we need to do is rage against the Machine. SCNR ๐Ÿ˜‰
We need to dismantle Capitalist society as it is and start building the parts of the next civilisation because this one is almost over. And the parts we need are technologies that don't need huge planet-sized supply chains because those won't work anymore. We need technologies that can be built from common materials at some small village workshop. Like small Stirling engines that can make use of any kind of heat source, be it fire or sun or whatever, and convert the heat energy into mechanical rotational energy. Things they could have built in the 17th or 18th century if they had had the knowledge. Any kind of technology that depends on parts and materials from faraway places and huge complex factories will eventually vanish.

#climatecrisis #polycrisis #polykrisis #capitalism #clubofrome #limitstogrowth

Last updated 1 year ago

Threadbane · @Threadbane
178 followers · 2231 posts · Server newsie.social

@gdeihl @Syulang @matthewtoad43 @pixelpusher220 @breadandcircuses
There should be a meeting of the UN with all heads of state in attendance, where they all will sit and watch for a few days while Nobel climate scientists read them complete with graphs and charts.


Last updated 1 year ago

Threadbane · @Threadbane
166 followers · 2118 posts · Server newsie.social

I rode my everywhere back in the 70s and 80s, even carried it onto a bus if it started to rain. solidified my view that the Earth was headed toward catastrophe if people didn't change. I bent every ear I could find. I was most concerned about overpopulation (Asimov's essays should be required reading in HS), and my "green card" is that I had no children and have always "lived small". I see people with large families and homes as irresponsible and selfish.

#bicycle #limitstogrowth

Last updated 1 year ago

Threadbane · @Threadbane
166 followers · 2118 posts · Server newsie.social

@c_merriweather @Alienated53 @breadandcircuses
made everything clear and it take major muddying of the waters to create the economics insanity (which persists) of the 80s. Laffer curve anyone?


Last updated 1 year ago

Threadbane · @Threadbane
166 followers · 2118 posts · Server newsie.social

"The Worst Offenders: The Economists"
The worst offenders have been the economists since , preaching that economies can expand at X% ad infinitum, that science will discover new sources/substitutes for whatever essential materials we run short of. The execrable theories of Julian Simon have led to a literal destruction of the ecosystem, as the discrepancy between rich and poor, between the Global North and Global South widens inexorably toward collapse of both.


Last updated 1 year ago

mempko · @mempko
334 followers · 2057 posts · Server fosstodon.org
Threadbane · @Threadbane
149 followers · 1946 posts · Server newsie.social

There was also the 1958 Bell Science Hour series, with "Unchained Goddess". We watched it during biology class in 1958 on the 16mm films Bell provided schools. I remember this scene vividly and I've been worried more and more with every passing year. By the time I read , in 1970, I was in full hippie mode to stop the cars, the swimming pools, the McMansions...the American way of life itself.


Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Rogers · @dave_rogers
100 followers · 851 posts · Server curmudgeon.cafe

A One-hour Message | Do the Math

Itโ€™s an hour or so out of your life, but well worth your time if you want some idea of where weโ€™re heading.


#climate #sustainability #limitstogrowth #renewables #ecology

Last updated 1 year ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
203 followers · 1261 posts · Server aus.social

This is a fascinating New Yorker article that discusses the decarbonisation shift and asks whether a renewable energy system that supports the current demand trend will replace one problem with another. It looks at the role that a down-sized demand for energy - smaller homes, less consumption and less travel is another lever that should be pulled - and pulled hard - to make sure we have a future.


#limitstogrowth #decarbonise #renewableenergy #newyorker

Last updated 1 year ago

Threadbane · @Threadbane
138 followers · 1644 posts · Server newsie.social

As an aficionado of dystopian movies and novels like The Sheep Look Up, The Day of the Triffids, War with the Newts, and The Adolescence of P-1, not to mention 1984 and Brave New World, I've been predicting environmental collapse taking civilization with it for about 50 years, and now we're living my predictions. (Well, scientists' and sci-fi authors' predictions.) has come true at last. After decades of predicting doom, I finally have a winner! 8^)


Last updated 1 year ago

Fran Cummings · @fran
9 followers · 24 posts · Server genealysis.social
Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
483 followers · 1880 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "To Raworth, the ideal economy of the future can be captured in a single image: a ring doughnut. Its outer crust represents an ecological limit, while its inner ring represents a social foundation. To step beyond the ecological limit will damage the environment beyond repair. To fall below the social foundation will mean some people go without the things they need to live well, such as food, housing or income. Her argument is that economies must be designed so they operate inside this ring, enabling humans and the environment to flourish. The doughnut is premised on three central ideas: the economy should distribute wealth fairly, regenerate the resources that it uses, and allow people to prosper. None of this, Raworth argues, should depend on economic growth."


#ecology #degrowth #limitstogrowth #circulareconomy #doughnuteconomics

Last updated 1 year ago

Threadbane · @Threadbane
124 followers · 1369 posts · Server newsie.social

@davevolek @EarthOne @breadandcircuses
We actually WERE doing something under Carter, reducing fossil fuel consumption with 55 mph speed limits and PSAs to turn the thermostat down in winter and up in summer, "turn the lights out when you leave the room". Our foreign policy included education for women in 3rd world countries and help with family planning to help slow overpopulation. Solar panels on the White House roof. Carter is a nuclear engineer. He reputedly read .


Last updated 1 year ago