@bosheshabayis His column is helpful addition to what is an increasingly long line of arguments for the acceptance of GLBT+ in modern orthodoxy.
Rabbi Mike Moskowitz from Congregation Beit Simchat Torah in NYC gave a very thoughtful presentation at #Limmud Auckland about accepting Trans Jews.
IMO the clash of ideas is less about the subject verse and more about the 'truth' of the Torah on matters concerning sexuality, which for many is an immutable aspect of themselves.
Excellent that #limmudfestival22 contains remote participation as well as in person. Hybrid events for the first time in #limmud history.
Where can we find examples of #NonOrthodoxJudaism collaborating with #OrthodoxJudaism? Limmud!
#Limmud is an interdenominational #Jewish educational charity. It produces a large annual winter festival and several other regional events throughout the year on the theme of Jewish learning. Originally starting as a UK entity, it inspired a worldwide movement of Limmud groups, even in #Boston and #NewYork .
Many more examples of cooperation here at the link
#nonorthodoxjudaism #orthodoxjudaism #limmud #jewish #boston #newyork
@baruch @chanele @emilyk @rabbigabriel @kabrams
I wear HAs, so.if the Rabbi wants me to hear Torah, I'm gonna wear them.
My first #Limmud listened to a woman from Naarm/Melbourne who focused on disabled in shul, a great presentation, and gave me comfort that I was "halatic' (sp?). I still have the text she used somewhere in my office, should look it up.
A utopian space is one where we can express all our selves and, as you can see from the sessions I am presenting at
Festival, it's only my Kinder Surprise self that will be absent. I'm also once again involved in the embarrassment and disgrace that is
Not The Gala
Very pleased that I will present at #Limmud, the biggest #Jewish festival, this year. I will present on the importance of researching and talking about #antisemitism intersectional, by presenting my work on #gender and antisemitism
#limmud #jewish #antisemitism #gender