The news:
Rolf Harris is dead.
Me, a terrible person:
Goes to Twitter to see if Limmy has tweeted “Had the pleasure of meeting Rolf Harris at a charity do once. He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.”
#Limmy - Hearing #AphexTwin For The First Time
#comedy #afx #aphex #aphextwin #limmy
The only accurate guage of activity levels on Twitter
Watching #Limmy watch 321 is either the only thing keeping me sane this week or the very thing pushing me over the edge. I'm in too deep either way.
Scheduled this to be posted here every Friday @ 12:45 from now on, as my homage to #limmy ‘s endlessly recurring Daft Punk tweet. If indeed it works. Otherwise, not 🤷🏼♂️
An #infinite number of $1 bills and an infinite number of $20 bills would be worth the same
#StandUpMaths #Maths #Math #Mathematics #Infinity #Philosophy #PhilosophyOfMaths #PhilosophyOfMath #MattParker #Limmy
#limmy #MattParker #philosophyofmath #philosophyofmaths #philosophy #infinity #mathematics #math #maths #standupmaths #infinite
@NationCymru @davidoclubb Instant reminder of the #Limmy sketch. Twenty’s Plenty!
See how many windaes you can smash ya prick.
#Christmas #MerryChristmas #Xmas #MerryXmas #Snowball #Snowballs #Snow #Chunk #Limmy
#limmy #Chunk #snow #Snowballs #snowball #merryxmas #xmas #merrychristmas #christmas