Took my #TriumphBonneville to see a "local for a Sunday ride" #LincolnHighway landmark, the Coffee Pot in Bedford PA. And of course took the long way back.
#Motorcycle #TriumphMotorcycles #MotorcycleTravel #Motorcycles
#triumphbonneville #lincolnhighway #motorcycle #triumphmotorcycles #motorcycletravel #motorcycles
Today was the "Varsity Volunteers" painting day again so back at it early morning to work on the Churchill County Museum mural. The Nevada Trails is coming along nicely, with the black and grey ghost figures over the artistic representation of the routes emigrants, pioneers, and wagon trains followed crossing the Great Basin.
I worked on the Pony Express rider and had enough time to finish up the "Fallon" label.
#Volunteering #Fallon #Nevada #Painting #Mural #History #CaliforniaEmigrantTrail #OverlandStageRoute #PonyExpress #LincolnHighway
#volunteering #fallon #nevada #painting #mural #history #californiaemigranttrail #overlandstageroute #ponyexpress #lincolnhighway
10 years ago, on my Lincoln Highway cross-country trek, I stopped off at the ailing Richland Mall outside Mansfield, Ohio.
My travelogue blog post, "Dead shopping malls rise like mountains beyond mountains," from 2013:
I returned to the mall in 2016, when it was being converted to a medical center:
10 years ago, I was on a cross-country solo roadtrip pursuing a sideproject: A travelogue following the Lincoln Highway from the East Coast to San Francisco on the highways 100th anniversary.
Here is "Cue the Creepy Music in East Liverpool, Ohio, Which Hopefully Isn’t Doomed," a brief stop in the Pottery Capital of America circa 1840s-mid 20th century:
#travelogue #lincolnhighway #Ohio
The Lincoln Highway was the first transcontinental highway in the US. A three mile section with the original 1920s paving surprisingly exists in Western Omaha. It's a pretty awesome place to walk. It seems closed to vehicles and I saw a bunch of turkeys and a red-tailed hawk out there today.
#Wandering #LincolnHighway #UrbanLandscapes #Urbex #Photography #NewTopographics #Omaha #Nebraska
#wandering #lincolnhighway #urbanlandscapes #urbex #photography #newtopographics #omaha #nebraska - congrats to the #LincolnHighway enthusiasts in PA combining vintage postcards with drone photos and #GoogleEarth
Congrats to this team:Stepping up the #LincolnHighway documentary game - combining drone photos with vintage postcards and #googleMaps through entire state of PA. Speaker at #LHA25?
#lincolnhighway #googlemaps #lha25
Noah Caldwell-Gervais is at it again, and by that I mean: he drove coast-to-coast along the historic Lincoln Highway in a 1979 Thunderbird and created a 7 1/2 hour video about the whole thing. This is so up my alley that it was basically designed in a lab for me; if erudite travelogues about forgotten American highway systems and the notable landmarks that rest along them sounds interesting, it might be up your alley too.
#travel #lincolnhighway #noahcaldwellgervais
The Lincoln Highway: Across America on the First Transcontinental Motor Route
#NoahCaldwell-Gervais #VideoEssays #LincolnHighway
#noahcaldwell #Videoessays #lincolnhighway
Church of Hed - Wasatch Descent (from The Father Road) [youtube video 2m21s] #LincolnHighway #SpaceRock