Jean Rogers, June Gale, Ann Sothern and Linda Darnell in “Hotel for Women” (20th Century-Fox, 1939)
Darnell’s first film—she does pretty well in the lead role until the film turns dramatic and her performance stays light and airy.
Based on its release date of August 4, 1939, this was likely the last picture Sothern filmed before the runaway success of “Maisie” (1939), released in late June, transformed her career.
#oldhollywood #lindadarnell #annsothern
Tyrone Power and Linda Darnell in “Brigham Young” (20th Century-Fox, 1940)
#oldhollywood #tyronepower #lindadarnell
Tyrone Power and Linda Darnell in “Brigham Young” (20th Century-Fox, 1940)
#oldhollywood #tyronepower #lindadarnell
Leslie Brooks, Glenda Farrell, Linda Darnell, Doris Dudley and Margaret Hamilton in “City Without Men” (Columbia, 1943)
#oldhollywood #glendafarrell #lindadarnell
#Filmfest 883 #Cinema #Film #Movies #MovingPicture #SecondChance #RobertMitchum #LindaDarnell #JackPalance #Crime #Thriller #USA1953 #3Dimension
Mörder ohne Maske (Second Chance, USA 1953) #Filmfest 883
#filmfest #cinema #film #movies #movingpicture #secondchance #robertmitchum #lindadarnell #jackpalance #crime #thriller #usa1953 #3dimension
#Filmfest 878 #Cinema #Film #Movies #MovingPicture #BlackbeardthePirate #Piratenschatz #Swashbuckler #RobertNewton #LindaDarnell
Der Schatz des Piraten (Blackbeard the Pirate, USA 1952) #Filmfest 878
#filmfest #cinema #film #movies #movingpicture #blackbeardthepirate #piratenschatz #swashbuckler #robertnewton #lindadarnell
Linda Darnell on the cover of Screen Guide, Apr. 1942
#oldhollywood #magazines #lindadarnell
Silver Screen, Feb. 1945 — “Linda Darnell has become a decidedly new personality since she played a siren in ‘Summer Storm.’ She's no longer the demure, sweet thing, but a fascinating glamour girl. Linda's now costarring with George Sanders in Hangover Square.”
I just watched Hangover Square (John Brahm, 1945) and rated it 5/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastodon #HangoverSquare #PatrickHamilton #LairdCregar #LindaDarnell #GeorgeSanders ~ maybe would have scored higher if I hadn't just read the novel that this is nothing like!
#georgesanders #lindadarnell #lairdcregar #PatrickHamilton #HangoverSquare #cinemastodon #cinema #films
79 years ago:
Buffalo Bill (US)
Scout William F. Cody (Joel McCrea) marries a U.S. senator's daughter (Maureen O'Hara), fights the Cheyenne and leads a Wild West show.
#BuffaloBill #JoelMcCrea #MaureenOHara #LindaDarnell #20thCenturyFox #Western #ClassicFilm
#buffalobill #joelmccrea #maureenohara #lindadarnell #20thcenturyfox #western #classicfilm
79 years ago:
It Happened Tomorrow (US)
A young turn-of-the-century newspaper man finds he can get hold of the next day's paper. This brings more problems than fortune, especially as his new girlfriend is part of a phony clairvoyant act.
#ItHappenedTomorrow #DickPowell #LindaDarnell #EdwardBrophy #SciFi #ClassicMovies
#ithappenedtomorrow #dickpowell #lindadarnell #edwardbrophy #scifi #classicmovies
#Filmfest 823 #Cinema #MyDarlingClementine #FaustrechtderPrärie #JohnFord #HenryFonda #VictorMature #LindaDarnell #CathyDowns #Tombstone #OKCorral #WyattEarp #DocHolliday #TheClanton
Faustrecht der Prärie / Tombstone / Mein Liebling Clementine (My Darling Clementine, USA 1946) #Filmfest 823 #DGR
#filmfest #cinema #mydarlingclementine #faustrechtderprarie #johnford #henryfonda #victormature #lindadarnell #cathydowns #tombstone #okcorral #wyattearp #docholliday #theclanton #dgr
72 years ago:
The 13th Letter (US)
When Dr. Pearson comes to a quiet Quebec town to set up his medical practice, he attracts the notice of Cora, whose husband, Paul, is the town's other doctor, and Denise, eldest daughter of the family in whose house he lodges. When an unknown person begins writing letters attacking Dr. Pearson and C...
#The13thLetter #OttoPreminger #LindaDarnell #CharlesBoyer #MichaelRennie #20thCenturyFox #ClassicFilm #Movies
#the13thletter #ottopreminger #lindadarnell #charlesboyer #MichaelRennie #20thcenturyfox #classicfilm #movies
💖 Linda Darnell (1923 – 1965) American actress 🌼
#LindaDarnell #oldhollywood
78 years ago:
Hangover Square (US)
When composer George Harvey Bone wakes with no memory of the previous night and a bloody knife in his pocket, he worries that he has committed a crime. On the advice of Dr. Middleton, Bone agrees to relax, going to a music performance by singer Netta Longdon. Riveted by Netta, Bone agrees to write s...
#HangoverSquare #LindaDarnell #GeorgeSanders #GlennLangan #20thCenturyFox #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies
#hangoversquare #lindadarnell #georgesanders #glennlangan #20thcenturyfox #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies
Our #NoirAlley leading lady this week is Linda Darnell
#TCMParty #HangoverSquare #LindaDarnell #FilmNoir #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #HangoverSquare #lindadarnell #filmnoir #darknessatnoon
Back home after a long, yet too short, vacation. Taking the #NoirAlley back route to #HangoverSquare
RT @TCMComingUp
HANGOVER SQUARE (1945) #LairdCregar #LindaDarnell #GeorgeSanders
Dir.: #JohnBrahm 9:00 PM PT
A composer who can't control his creative temperament turns to murder.
1h 17m | #FilmNoir | TV-14
#TCM #TCMParty #NoirAlley #BernardHerrmann #StephenSondheim
#NoirAlley #hangoversquare #comingupontcm #lairdcregar #lindadarnell #georgesanders #johnbrahm #filmnoir #tcm #TCMParty #bernardherrmann #stephensondheim
Monetta Eloyse Darnell, dite Linda Darnell, est une actrice américaine, née le 16 octobre 1923 à Dallas (Texas) et morte le 10 avril 1965 à Chicago, dans l’incendie accidentel de son domicile.
#50s #50sfashion
#50smakeup #50sstyle #1950s
#1950sstyle #1950sfashion #oldhollywood
#vintage #vintagestyle #vintageclothing
#vintagefashion #vintagehollywood
#history #retro #oldschool
#vintagebeauty #retrogirl #art #singer #actrices #actor #hollywood #star #70s #80s #girl #pinup #lindadarnell
#50s #50sfashion #50smakeup #50sstyle #1950s #1950sstyle #1950sfashion #oldhollywood #vintage #vintagestyle #vintageclothing #vintagefashion #vintagehollywood #history #retro #oldschool #vintagebeauty #retrogirl #art #singer #actrices #actor #hollywood #star #70s #80s #girl #pinup #lindadarnell
💖 Linda Darnell (1923 – 1965) American actress ⭐
#LindaDarnell #oldhollywood
💖 Linda Darnell (1923 – 1965) American actress ⭐
#LindaDarnell #oldhollywood