My feed on the bird site right now is 90 per cent people saying #LindaHurley is a national embarrassment (or agreeing with statements to that effect) ...
Step aside Lady Gaga
Meet.....Lady Gone Gone
#auspol #LindaHurley #TheVoiceAU #GG #LadyGG #australianidol
#auspol #lindahurley #thevoiceau #gg #ladygg #australianidol
RT @ShitFuckery1
We promised we wouldn't be we can't help ourselves. The Best Linda Hurley yet - More of the #SingingSovereign with You are my sunshine
This will be the last, we sorta kinda promise
#LindaHurley Governor General's wife (Special clip of #DavidHurley poking his own eye out)
#singingsovereign #lindahurley #davidhurley
RT @ShitFuckery1
The onslaught continues #LindaHurley, #GG David Hurley's wife burst into song for the invasive species trust (Sol-uu-tions trust)
#lindahurley #gg #sackthegovernorgeneral