Sounds Like Her - Gender, Sound Art and Sonic Cultures by Christine Eyene; Cathy Lane; Salomé Voegelin
#AinBailey, #SoniaBoyce, #ChristineSunKim, #ElsaMbala, #MadeleineMbida, #LindaOKeeffe, #MagdaStawarskaBeavan, #soundart, #Africanartists, #Africanart, #Africansoundart, #genderinart, #eurocentrism, #antiblackness, #artandcolonialism, #artandimperialism, #artofCameroon, #artofKamerun
Curator Christine Eyene challenges the Eurocentric and patriarchal frameworks that have informed the history of sound art and continue to define current practice.
Sounds Like Her is a challenge to the restrictive social construct of "female voices". The book re-frames how we experience the dynamic of sound as practiced by women from diverse cultures and gender identities.
#ainbailey #soniaboyce #christinesunkim #elsambala #madeleinembida #lindaokeeffe #magdastawarskabeavan #soundart #africanartists #africanart #africansoundart #genderinart #eurocentrism #antiblackness #artandcolonialism #artandimperialism #artofcameroon #artofkamerun