50 years ago:
O Lucky Man! (UK)
This sprawling, surrealist comedy serves as an allegory for the pitfalls of capitalism, as it follows the adventures of a young coffee salesman in modern Britain.
#OLuckyMan #LindsayAnderson #MalcolmMcDowell #RalphRichardson #RachelRoberts #Film
#oluckyman #lindsayanderson #malcolmmcdowell #ralphrichardson #rachelroberts #film
A new #FilmsTRIPS #podcast is out! This time, Andrew and I take a look at director #LindsayAnderson's 1973 comedy, #OLuckyMan! https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/24panelspersecond/episodes/2023-02-20T06_52_41-08_00 #MalcolmMcDowell #RalphRichardson #HelenMirren #RachelRoberts #PhilipStone #AlanPrice #EdwardJudd
#edwardjudd #alanprice #philipstone #rachelroberts #helenmirren #ralphrichardson #malcolmmcdowell #oluckyman #lindsayanderson #podcast #filmstrips
3 things about Lindsay Anderson’s THIS SPORTING LIFE [1963]
1. A great ape on the football field.
2. He gingerly taps his upper lip, gauging the absence of his teeth.
3. A scrum of men’s bodies, heavy breathing.
#3things #movies #LindsayAnderson #RichardHarris #RachelRoberts #rugby #Cinemastodon
#cinemastodon #Rugby #rachelroberts #richardharris #lindsayanderson #Movies #3Things
Just rewatched If.... and, damn, those McDowell-nostrils gets me every time.
#Letterboxd #if #lindsayanderson #malcolmmcdowell
On the #BoardingSchool theme, this line in 'If...' delivered by Mr. Kemp (ironically played by my grandfather) would've given me the chills as a 9 year old boarder:
“We are your new family and you must expect the rough and tumble that goes with any family life."
#LindsayAnderson #MalcolmMcDowell #ArthurLowe #film #movie #cinema
[CONTAINS SENSITIVE MATERIAL] https://youtu.be/2FahMGaCoow
#movie #boardingSchool #lindsayanderson #malcolmmcdowell #ArthurLowe #film #cinema
Realtà, desiderio e ribellione. La lezione dell’eterno Jean Vigo https://www.carmillaonline.com/2019/08/07/realta-desiderio-e-ribellione-la-lezione-delleterno-jean-vigo/ #Jean-CharlesTacchella #FernaldoDiGiammatteo #Avanguardiestoriche #cinemad’avanguardia #StéphaneduMesnildot #BernardoBertolucci #AlbertoCavalcanti #cinemaalternativo #ClaudeAutant-Lara #SiegfriedKracauer #AleksandrSokurov #AndrejTarkovskij #FrançoisTruffaut #ManoelDeOliveira #antimilitarismo #GeorgesRouquier #LindsayAnderson
#jean #fernaldodigiammatteo #avanguardiestoriche #cinemad #stéphanedumesnildot #bernardobertolucci #albertocavalcanti #cinemaalternativo #claudeautant #siegfriedkracauer #aleksandrsokurov #andrejtarkovskij #françoistruffaut #manoeldeoliveira #antimilitarismo #georgesrouquier #lindsayanderson