I like to listen to long-form video essays on YouTube while I'm doing jobs around the house. But Christ Almighty, the frequency of the ads lately has made it all but unbearable, so I've been using Nebula. I've been subscribing to it for a couple of years. It's run by and for creators, and it really shows. Here's the story of how they got started.
#Wendover #PhilosophyTube #NotJustBikes, #AnswersWithJoe, #JacobGeller #LindsayEllis #PhilosophyTube #TomNicholas
#wendover #philosophytube #NotJustBikes #answerswithjoe #JacobGeller #lindsayellis #tomnicholas
This is some important medicine for the online left. I've been hot and cold on this guy because of of the very drama he talks about. I don't like some people he likes and like some people he doesn't.
But he's still correct. We have to focus on the growing #fascism & stop ganging up on each other. We're all gonna get it in the end if we don't.
#FDSignifier, #Xanderhal, #Vaush, #Destiny, #LindsayEllis, #ProfessorFlowers, #BreadTube, #DJMuel, #CancelCulture
#fascism #fdsignifier #xanderhal #vaush #destiny #lindsayellis #professorflowers #breadtube #djmuel #cancelculture
Truth of the Divine (2021) von Lindsay Ellis. Das Debut der Videoessayistin hatte mich eher kaltgelassen, aber die Fortsetzung verzichtet auf witzige Insider und geht dahin, wo es wehtut: schmerzhaft akkurat dargestellte Traumata, Depressionen und persönliche Dramen auf beiden Seiten erschweren das diplomatische Verhältnis zwischen der Menschheit und ihren außerirdischen Besuchern. Nie ging Erstkontakt so tragisch schief...
#TruthOfTheDivine #LindsayEllis #HeikeLiebtListen #Top15Bücher2022
#truthofthedivine #lindsayellis #heikeliebtlisten #top15bucher2022
Truth of the Divine (2021) by Lindsay Ellis. I didn't find the famous video essayist's debut novel all too convincing, but the follow up is a real surprise: a tight, well-written narrative about first contact politics which also paints a very accurate picture of the way trauma and depression influence our relationships. Less gimmicky and way more mature, this bleak outlook on humanity left a deep impression.
#TruthOfTheDivine #LindsayEllis #HeikeLovesLists #BestBooks2022
#truthofthedivine #lindsayellis #heikeloveslists #bestbooks2022
Ich gucke die #LindsayEllis Videos zum Hobbit und da ist mehr Werbung drin als würde ich lineares Fernsehen gucken 🙈😐😡
An alle 'splainer: ich gucke auf dem Fernseher, also kein adblocker...
Any Lindsay Ellis fans out there? Do you think she will ever come back to YouTube? To social media as a public figure?
#comebacklindsayellis #lindsayellis #thatswhywecanthavenicethings #lefttube #breadtube
I'm so excited to see Lindsay Ellis posting again! As for the Lord of the Rings movies, I remember liking them, though I haven't seen them since they first came out. The books I've enjoyed again more recently.
Lindsay Ellis: How They Adapted Lord of the Rings (the good one)
#lindsayellis #lordoftherings #movies
@b_cavello Let's see. #NotJustBikes #RMTransit #MrsCrocombe (from #EnglishHeritage) #OneHitWonderland (from #ToddInTheShadows) #JetLag (from #WendoverProductions) and everything by #TomScott, #janMisali, and #LindsayEllis, among others.
These are all off the top of my head. I may be missing some.
#NotJustBikes #rmtransit #mrscrocombe #englishheritage #onehitwonderland #toddintheshadows #jetlag #wendoverproductions #TomScott #janmisali #lindsayellis
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc. #Bookstodon Some of mine: #TochiOnyebuchi #HarukiMurakami #LindsayEllis #GradyHendrix #MattRuff #LilahSturges #StephenKing
#bookstodon #tochionyebuchi #harukimurakami #lindsayellis #gradyhendrix #mattruff #lilahsturges #stephenking
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc. #Bookstodon Some of mine: #LindsayEllis #StephenKing #TochiOnyebuchi #GradyHendrix #MattRuff #LilahSturges
#bookstodon #lindsayellis #stephenking #tochionyebuchi #gradyhendrix #mattruff #lilahsturges
#bookstodon #BooksofMastodon #booksbywomen #lindsayellis This book's never gonna let you down.
#bookstodon #BooksofMastodon #booksbywomen #lindsayellis
I like a lot of Nebula creators. If they had a Nebula instance they could benefit from sharing a consistent social platform and easy cross-discoverability. I was gonna just list a few but I just found all of them I regularly watch:
#Wendover, #NotJustBikes, #AdamNeely, #BrainCraft, #CityBeautiful, #LindsayEllis, #PhilosophyTube, and #TomNicholas
#tomnicholas #philosophytube #lindsayellis #CityBeautiful #braincraft #AdamNeely #NotJustBikes #wendover
I like a lot of Nebula creators. If they had a Nebula instance they could benefit from sharing a consistent social platform and easy cross-discoverability. I was gonna just list a few but I just found all of them I regularly watch:
#Wendover, #NotJustBikes, #AdamNeely, #BrainCraft, #CityBeautiful, #LindsayEllis, #PhilosophyTube, and #TomNicholas
#tomnicholas #philosophytube #lindsayellis #CityBeautiful #braincraft #AdamNeely #NotJustBikes #wendover
Addison Cain's lawyer e-mailed me, and it only got worse from there https://youtu.be/K3v5wFMQRqs
Holly shiiiiit
Addison Cain's lawyer e-mailed me, and it only got worse from there https://youtu.be/K3v5wFMQRqs
Holly shiiiiit
Oh, here's the video.
Into The Omegaverse: How a Fanfic Trope Landed in Federal Court https://youtu.be/zhWWcWtAUoY
Oh, here's the video.
Into The Omegaverse: How a Fanfic Trope Landed in Federal Court https://youtu.be/zhWWcWtAUoY