Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1099 followers · 7762 posts · Server mstdn.social

I read the title and it immediately put me off as I expected the movie to be exactly as describes in this article.

remains a mostly unchallenged form of bigotry and hate.


#fatphobia #lindywest #TheWhale

Last updated 2 years ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
259 followers · 802 posts · Server mas.to


"Straight, white, cisgender men love to file under some darker subcategory of white male genius. It's easier to be titillated when fear is an abstraction. Ooh, BTK installed security systems so he could disarm them later.
No, you d**k lickers, they were fucking pathetic, opportunistic, losers who leveraged the staggering confidence that our society confers upon bare minimum white men in order to get away with obliterating the lives of sexual objects."

#incel #serialkillers #lindywest

Last updated 2 years ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
259 followers · 802 posts · Server mas.to

's summary of movie themes:
"1. Adam Sandler seems like he's the boy who's kind of a loser, BUT WEALLY HE'S DA BEST BOY and it's the wesponsible guy who's BAD!
2. Adam Sandler talks in a funny voice and/or is a simpleton of unknown provenance.
3. Adam Sandler has severe anger problems, which benefit him. 
4. Adam Sandler seems like just a generic dork, but secretly he is the strongest and best at a sport or trade.
5.  urinates in public.

#adamsandler #sandler #lindywest

Last updated 2 years ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
248 followers · 776 posts · Server mas.to

I wanted to copy this whole section, but it's an audiobook & also that's probably frowned upon. is amazing & funny & also tackles that big question - what can or should men do about waves of backlash to women wanting rights. Answer= sacrifice YOUR social capital bc ours is running on empty. We're deemed too angry, irrational, mean or feminazi, so you have to do the uncomfortable thing.

#reading #books #amreading #speakup #care #feministmen #notallmen #feminist #lindywest

Last updated 2 years ago