Lineage 2 server on Docker
#lineage2 #docker #server #linux
#Scifi #fantasy books
Ursula k le guin
Isaac Asimov
Andrzej Sapkowski
#games #Hack&Slash #rpg #mmorpg
#gow #infamous #finalfantasy
#ff #wow #lineage2
#Series #andor #mandalorian
#sense8 #TheOA #BlackMirror
#Movies #lotrs #hobbit #matrix #StarWars
#interstellar #arrival
#introduction #scifi #fantasy #games #hack #rpg #mmorpg #gow #infamous #finalfantasy #ff #wow #lineage2 #series #andor #mandalorian #sense8 #theoa #blackmirror #RingsOfPower #movies #lotrs #hobbit #matrix #starwars #interstellar #arrival #anime #JuJutsu #hunterxhunter #bleach #mobpsycho #twittermigrant
#Scifi #fantasy books
Ursula k le guin
Isaac Asimov
Andrzej Sapkowski
#games #Hack&Slash #rpg #mmorpg
#gow #infamous #finalfantasy
#ff #wow #lineage2
#Series #andor #mandalorian
#sense8 #TheOA #blackmirror
#Movies #lotrs #hobbit #matrix #starwars
#interstellar #arrival
#scifi #fantasy #games #hack #rpg #mmorpg #gow #infamous #finalfantasy #ff #wow #lineage2 #series #andor #mandalorian #sense8 #theoa #blackmirror #RingsOfPower #movies #lotrs #hobbit #matrix #starwars #interstellar #arrival
A Intro Post:
Hi, I'm Nox,
I recently stood up a new server and after crashing it a few times, have it running again.
I am a IT Architect out in the world.
I enjoy playing #MMO 's including #FFXIV #NewWorld #ESO and others. I was a castle owner during the #Lineage2 days a hundred years ago.
Often my timeline will be a mix of Game related and pics from the #Outside world.
#mmo #ffxiv #newworld #eso #lineage2 #outside