Calculating the #Wasserstein distance (#EMD) 📈 can be computational costly when using #LinearProgramming. The #Sinkhorn algorithm provides a computationally efficient method for approximating the EMD, making it a practical choice for many applications, especially for large datasets 💫. Here is another tutorial, showing how to solve #OptimalTransport problem using the Sinkhorn algorithm in #Python 🐍
#wasserstein #emd #linearprogramming #sinkhorn #OptimalTransport #Python
Posting this for folks in the math community who hear a title like this and go...'Ooh, neat!'
A talk on the TSP, sponsored by the NSF. I've just started reading William Cook's charming 'In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman', and have become enchanted with the problem.
Anyway, here is a link to the talk:
#mathematics #linearprogramming #travelingsalesman #tsp
Klatt, M., Munk, A. & Zemel, Y. Limit laws for empirical optimal solutions in random linear programs. Ann Oper Res 315, 251–278 (2022).
#article #ScientificArticle #LimitLaw #OptimalTransport #LinearProgramming #mathematics
#mathematics #linearprogramming #OptimalTransport #limitlaw #ScientificArticle #article