This year was my first #defcon. Takeaways:
- Pack less crap.
- Pack twice as many clothes as you think you need.
- Buy more booze to share at #LineCon
- Some goons are awesome, some suck (stop shouting when you're standing right next to me, please).
- Go with the flow, try to extend grace and patience (I know I failed at patience during the two evacuations).
- Take advantage of the hotel bag check and don't haul your baggage around when you don't have a room.
If you’re going to #opensauce (and not already in the mega line) you’re going to want to get off the F a stop early… #linecon #opensaucelive
#opensauce #linecon #opensaucelive
Originally posted by DEF CON /
Lot of polls going on here lately, so here's another one.
For the past few years we've been doing a low-key hangout on our Discord server for New Year's Eve. #defcon community, should we meet for some #linecon, music and conversation?
Favorite #linecon experiences! I'll go first - met some really cool people in line for merch at 30 this year. About half were newbies, but they were all very friendly and giving. After we finally got merch, we all went out for lunch together and talked about the ins and outs of aircrack and other wifi utilities. Getting to learn and teach with people of all sorts of experiences was really awesome and definitely elevated the whole con for me.