Larry and Paul hitting it on the head as usual - #LinekerRow
BBC didn't sack Geoffrey Boycott
He Resigned ...
Richard Sharp MUST now Resign or he will destroy the BBC
#lineker #linekerrow #SmallBoats #rightwingbias #CreepingFascism #wemustspeakoutoritwillbetoolate
The Gary Lineker story is terrible.
It's a case of clear BBC bias. The Tory controlled BBC want to eliminate any non-Tory views - especially from the most prominent people.
His comments were made on a personal Twitter account and not on BBC programming. So, there's no impartiality problems.
Also, look at this response to a complaint about Chris Packham. Double standards at work here.
#garylineker #bbc #matchoftheday #impartiality #ukpolitics #toriesout #LinekerRow #linekergate #Lineker
#garylineker #bbc #matchoftheday #impartiality #ukpolitics #ToriesOut #linekerrow #linekergate #lineker
As a BBC license fee payer I am now totally unclear why Richard Sharp is still chairman of the BBC.
#linekerrow #lineker #SmallBoats #censorship #creepingfacism #ifwedontspeakoutitwillbetoolate
As a BBC license fee payer I am now totally unclear why Richard Sharp is still chairman of the BBC.
#linekerrow #SmallBoats #censorship #creepingfacism #ifwedontspeakoutitwillbetoolate
Lineker v Braverman 😂
Suella Braverman's speeches diminish the role of Home Secretary
... there I've said it ... expect now to be hounded out of employment
#linekerrow #SmallBoats #kickeddowntheroadtillaftertheelectionnow