Linezolid probably a bit safer than we think & probably can give >4 weeks with close observation.
Great drug, it's oral, but still makes me a bit apprehensive about using it for a long course, certainly at 600mg BD.
#IDMastodon #MedMastodon #AMR #antibiotics #microbiology #medicine #linezolid
Prolonged use of linezolid in bone and joint infections: a retrospective analysis of adverse effects | Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy | Oxford Academic
#IDMastodon #MedMastodon #AMR #antibiotics #microbiology #medicine #linezolid
Actually quite low risk of serotonin syndrome when using #Linezolid in patients on antidepressants!
#antibiotics #IDMastodon #microbiology #AMR #MedMastodon
#linezolid #antibiotics #IDMastodon #microbiology #AMR #MedMastodon
Good news:
- the risk of #serotonin syndrome is low in hospitalized older adults treated with #linezolid (around 0.5%)
- antidepressants do not increase the risk of serotonin syndrome in these patients
So, being on an #antidepressant should not be a contraindication to receiving linezolid and antidepressants do not need to be stopped when linezolid is prescribed.
#serotonin #linezolid #antidepressant #MedMastodon #gerimastodon #psychiatry